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- Programming Languages Rank With A Rather Strange Way | Jeez Tech
And the final Rank is: We mark with G where Google agrees and with T where TIOBE agrees. 1. Java G T 2. JavaScript G 3. PHP G T 4. Ruby G 5. C G 6. Python G T 7. Lisp 8. C# T 9. Groovy 10. Objective-C ~T 11. Perl 12. Delphi ~T
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- Read/WriteWeb: The Future of Personalized Start Pages
Personalized Start Pages is a growing, but fiercely competitive, market. So what are they? Predominantly they're homepages for Web information, gadgets and widgets. The difference from old-style web portals are: the user can personalize them much more (wi
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- Swine Flu Mortality
This info graphic shows the immense threat of the Swine Flu compared to other manners of death. Today's the 300th day of the year 2009, so I used the numbers of deaths on the Poodwaddle's World Clock (which uses the death stats of the official WHO data and statistics) for a quick comparison. The number of swine flu deaths is from the official german epidemic info site. - click here to zoom image
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