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How much time do you spend on the Web through your browser every day? More time than you spend in your car? How do you use your browser in the morning, the afternoon, the evening, the weekend? Do you use it the same way now as you used it a year ago? Is your browser robust enough to work for you smoothly all the time?
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- The Long Tail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The phrase The Long Tail (as a proper noun with capitalized letters) was first coined by Chris Anderson in a 2004 article in Wired magazine [1] to describe certain business and economic models such as Amazon.com or Netflix. The term long tail is also gene
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see also roxomatic's comparaision: http://www.roxomatic.de/archives/985/Social-bookmarks-review-version-3.5/social-bookmarks-review-version-35
Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. The social bookmarking market is in a steady state with two dominant players - del.icio.us and StumbleUpon. The rest of the pack, including Yahoo MyWeb, appears to be substantially behind. Will they catch up? In this post we attempt to answer that question. We also take a look at how social bookmarking has evolved since del.ici
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