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  • askeet!
    Askeet is a community based Q&A repository. Anyone can post a question about any subject, or answer an existing question. Registration and use are completely free. If you need an answer, ask your question, register to its RSS feed of answers, and just wait until your news aggregator pops out with an answer. Questions and answers can be rated, so that the most interesting questions and the most useful answers come first. If you have knowledge to share, pay askeet a visit from time to time, you might even earn some money.
    askeet!, a symfony project built in 24 hours
    answer askeet php5 project question symfony
    in webapps > communication with answers community knowledge questions service social software webapps by 2 users (all private)
  • Hakia Search Engine Corporate Site
    Enter a question, sentence, phrase, or keywords) hakia is building the Web's first "meaning-based" search engine, one that will bring answers and meaningful results to questions on any topic. To achieve this goal, hakia uses a proprietary semantic system instead of a conventional index. Meaning-based search will appeal to all Web searchers - especially those engaged in research on complicated subjects, such as medicine, law, finance, science, and literature. hakia engine is designed to evolve and improve its capabilities with each user interaction.
    engine hakia language natural search
    in webapps > communication with answers questions search service social system webapps by 31 users
  • Question Swap
    What's it all about? This site takes a lot of inspiration from I really liked the concept, and thought I'd copy it, but with something different to swap. If you go to SketchSwap, you'll see that it was inspired by File-Swap. So I guess that's the Grand Daddy.
    in webapps > communication with answers questions service social software webapps

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