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  • askeet!
    Askeet is a community based Q&A repository. Anyone can post a question about any subject, or answer an existing question. Registration and use are completely free. If you need an answer, ask your question, register to its RSS feed of answers, and just wait until your news aggregator pops out with an answer. Questions and answers can be rated, so that the most interesting questions and the most useful answers come first. If you have knowledge to share, pay askeet a visit from time to time, you might even earn some money.
    askeet!, a symfony project built in 24 hours
    answer askeet php5 project question symfony
    in webapps > communication with answers community knowledge questions service social software webapps by 2 users (all private)
  • Gnowsis - gnowsis
    Semantic Desktop environment published by the Knowledge Management Lab of the DFKI. Gnowsis is a reference implementation of parts of the Nepomuk Semantic Desktop framework.
    welcome to gnowsis, the Semantic Desktop environment that was published by the Knowledge Management Lab of the DFKI from 2004 to 2007. Gnowsis was a reference implementation of parts of the Nepomuk Semantic Desktop framework, in 2009 the project is continued in the startup
    in Public bookmarks with knowledge manager semantic software by 2 users
    our goal is to focus exclusively on the leading discussion forums, news portals, and knowledge sharing blogs on the Internet.
    in search > blog search with blog engine forum knowledge search searchengine synonym by 3 users (all private)
  • Knol - a unit of knowledge: share what you know, publish your expertise.
    Write and share KNOwLedge - a bit like a wiki with a WYSIWYG editor You can : Embed forms Create collections (a way to group knols together and/or links, a bit like Swiki).  A collection looks like a knol with most of its content being a list of related knols.  This list is sortable and searchable.Common uses of collections: Books - each chapter a knol, Journals, Writing contests, Top-ten lists, Directories... exist's in English - Arabic - Portuguese - Spanish - Korean - French - Italian - German - Dutch - Russian - Hebrew - Japanese
    in Public bookmarks with collaborative collection google howto knowledge wiki by 5 users
  • Yedda Beta
    Imagine you knew everyone who knows... People sharing knowledge
    Ask a question about anything and AOL Answers. will send it to people & experts who can help. Connect with people and share your personal knowledge with the community.
    in webapps > community with knowledge social software webapps

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