- Cross-Browser.com
The X Library is a collection of reusable, cross-browser Javascript functions and objects. It contains core DHTML functions, utility functions, objects such as menus and tab panels, and also has some experimental stuff. I've been developing this library since 2001. Thanks to thousands of people like yourself the X Library has been extensively tested on a wide range of operating systems and browsers.
Cross-Browser Javascript Libraries and Applications
animation collapsible crossbrowser dhtml downgradeable drag drop dynamic image javascript layout menu rollover select tooltips
in tools > web developer > javascript tools with collection javascript library utility by 6 users
- Alexandria Digital Library Project
The Alexandria Digital Library lets you access more than 15,000 holdings, such as maps, images, and datasets, that are available online for public download over the Internet. The items currently cataloged in ADL are a portion of the holdings of UCSB
in Public bookmarks with digital library maps
- amCharts: customizable free flash charts
Ammap is an interactive flash map creation software. Use this tool to show locations of your offices, routes of your journeys, create your distributor map. Photos or illustrations can be used instead of maps, so you can make different presentations, e-le
Interactive JavaScript charts (free!) - line, area, pie, donut (doughnut), bar, column, scatter, bubble, xy, radar, polar, spider, logarithmic scale charts, time plot
android candlestick canvas chart charts configurable customizable financial flash free html5 ipad javascript ohlc stock
in tools with chart flash free library map tools webapps by 8 users
- Bibliothèques municipales de Genève - Prolongation
in Public bookmarks with bibliothèques geneva library local suisse
- Digital library - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
in Public bookmarks with ebooks library links list
- Drag and drop
Here's a simple accessible drag and drop script. It works with both mouse and keyboard.
in Public bookmarks with draganddrop javascript library script
- Fontys Mediatheek
Example of social software library use. as a student, you can log on and the information provided will be automatically linked to the course that you are following. If, after logging on, you wish to search more extensively, you can go to 'Profile' and change your details.
in fun > example idea with academic library social
- gRaphaël—Charting JavaScript Library
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library.
in Public bookmarks with chart javascript library by 3 users
- ICDL - International Children's Digital Library
What is needed to include a book in the ICDL? The ICDL Research Team requires three items in order to include a book in the collection: * a Copyright License agreement (or Public Domain License) signed by all parties; * original digital files o
in Public bookmarks with books collaborative digital ebooks free international kids library online publishing
- Internet Archive: Bookmarks
Non-profit organisation which purpose is to build an ‘Internet library,’ offering permanent access for researchers, historians, and scholars to historical collections that exist in digital format.
in search with archive bookmarks library non-profit search service social
- jLinq - Javascript Query Language
jLinq is a Javascript library that lets you write queries against arrays of javascript objects. jLinq is completely extensible so you can write your add-ins and they will work with the rest of the framework without any additional programming!
in Public bookmarks with database javascriprt library
- JSAN - Home
JavaScript Archive Network is a comprehensive resource for Open Source JavaScript libraries and software. JavaScript Archive Network is a comprehensive resource for Open Source JavaScript libraries and software.
in Public bookmarks with javascript lib library opensource resource search by 2 users
- Libraries - Opera Developer Community
Animation Base 64 Encoder Calendar Calendar Events Counter Feed Reader Graph Multi Page Help Scraper Tooltip
in Public bookmarks with library opera script tooltip webdev
- Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries
This paper attempts to resolve some of this controversy by suggesting a definition and theory for Library 2.0, as well as providing examples of its substantial implications for librarianship. A more exact definition and theory for Library 2.0 is necessary
Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Blog, Wiki, Streaming media, Social network, Tagging, Folksonomy, Controlled Vocabulary, RSS, Mashup, Information retrieval, World Wide Web, Internet
2.0 blog controlled folksonomy information library mashup media network retri rss social streaming tagging vocabulary web wiki
in Public bookmarks with article library web2.0 by 3 users
- Library Technology NOW (-)
We are proud to announce the beta release of Library Technology NOW 2.0. Please find links below to our new Web 2.0 tools.
in Public bookmarks with beta library network by 2 users
- LISFeeds.com: Librarian RSS Feeds Aggregator
LISFeeds.com is a project created and maintained by Blake Carver & Steven M. Cohen. Blake does most of the programming and Steven does most of the feed maintenance and updates. LISFeeds is a server-side RSS/Atom/XML/Etc... aggregator that scrapes feeds fr
in Public bookmarks with blogs library links news resources rss by 2 users
- Mozilla Object Reference — Reference Library
in software (offline) > mozilla with document library mozilla object reference
- Raphaël—Vector Graphics JavaScript Library
Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. If you want to create your own specific chart or image crop and rotate widget, for example, you can achieve it simply and easily with this library.
in Public bookmarks with javascript library svg vector webdev by 7 users
- Regular Expression Library
the Internet's first Regular Expression Library. Currently we have indexed 2116 expressions from 1292 contributors around the world.
Regular Expression Library provides a searchable database of regular expressions. Users can add, edit, rate, and test regular expressions.
asp awk build dotnet example expression find grep library net perl regex regexlib regular regx search sed test tutorial
in Public bookmarks with javascript library reference regex resource search by 10 users
SWF Tools is a collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities written by Rainer Böhme and Matthias Kramm. It is released under the GPL. Included are: * PDF2SWF A PDF to SWF Converter. Generates one frame per page. Enables you to have fully f
in Public bookmarks with converter flash library opensource tools by 4 users
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