- An Ingredient based Recipe Search Engine - Recipe Puppy
Recipe Puppy is an ingredient based recipe search engine. Enter your ingredients above or try an example search:
in Public bookmarks with cooking ingrdient recipes searchengine by 7 users
- Boiling an Egg
This document is an introduction to of some of the science relevant to preparing boiled eggs. It has evolved from a letter published in the Last Word section of New Scientist magazine (04-April-98) which answered a question by Chris Finn, who asked 'Does anybody have a formula to calculate the boiling time for a soft-boiled egg, given its weight and initial temperature?'.
in Public bookmarks with boil cooking egg research
- CookingByNumbers.com
Welcome to Cooking By Numbers, are you ready to cook?.....Get clicking on what you've got and we'll show you what you can cook.....Don't worry, Skills By Numbers will make you look great in the kitchen..... Can't make up your mind about what to cook? Click I feel lucky as well..... Want to email something tasty to a friend? Send an e-card.... Don't forget to feedback- we want to hear from you.
Cook great meals - tell us what you've got, we'll tell you what to make!
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in search with cooking fun online recipes search service
- daymix
in Public bookmarks with cooking searchengine tips by 2 users
- Egg Watchers: the egg timer that entertains you
How much time to boil my egg?
in Public bookmarks with cooking egg fun online tools
- Eggs, How To Cook Eggs, All About Eggs
in Public bookmarks with cooking eggs
- How To Boil Water, Boiling Points of Water, High Altitude Boiling Water, Sea Levels vs. High Altitude Water Temperatures
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwhatscookingamerica.net%2Fboilpoint.htm
in Public bookmarks with basics cooking howto water
- Science of Cooking
Discover how a pinch of curiosity can improve your cooking! Explore recipes, activities, and Webcasts that will enhance your understanding of the science behind food and cooking.
Discover how a pinch of curiosity can improve your cooking! Explore recipes, activities, and Webcasts that will enhance your understanding of the science behind food and cooking.
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in Public bookmarks with cooking science by 3 users
- Supercook: recipe search by ingredients you have at home
recipe search engine that finds recipes you can make with only the ingredients you have at home
in Public bookmarks with cooking ingrdient searchengine by 19 users
- TasteSpotting
in Public bookmarks with cooking recipes socialbookmarks by 2 users
cooking from all users