- Google Code: Web Authoring Statistics: Editors and their custom markup
GoLive's footprints are all over the Web. A scary number ofpages use, not to mention the multitude of,, andelements.GoLive is of course far from the only offender. There are moreelements (from Microsoft Office) on theWeb than there areelements. There are alsoplenty of,, andelements (from Claris Homepage,we presume). Apparently Actinic, a British company that producese-commerce solutions, has software that is now quite widelydeployed , too:,,, andelements litter theWeb. Macromedia join in the fun as well, withandelements found on a number ofpages (the former somewhat more than the latter, oddly). NetObjectsFusion is the source of a startling number ofnof=""attributes on many elements (not quite enough to hit any of the"popular attributes" charts, but hiding
in Public bookmarks with article internet semantic software staticstics
- Google free proxy!
A little tutorial found on the italian site www.manuali.net inspired me for this hack. That tutorial suggests to translate a webpage, using Google translator, to access it even if restricted.
Access restricted web sites using Google language tools service as a proxy.
media oreilly
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- Google, HTML5 and Standards
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- Greenpeace Schweiz: Climat
La Terre se réchauffe en raison de l'accumulation de gaz à effet de serre générés par les activités humaines. Le principal de ces gaz est le dioxyde de carbone (CO2) qui résulte du gaspillage des combustibles fossiles, en particulier du pétrole, d
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- havocStudios: Ajax tabs
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- How To Find 40.000 Ebooks with Google at what.ticio.us
Redirecting to LibraryThing.com
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- HTML5 se dévoile - Alsacréations
evolution du HTML
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- I continue to despise tagging
... makes it popular) Thomas Van Der Wal: Explaining and Showing Broad and Narrow Folksonomies Adam Weinroth: Tag Team Michael Wexler: I hate tags , I still hate tagging , I continue to despise tagging Mimi Yen: Hierarchy Versus Facets Versus Tags
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- Ibogaine.co.uk
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- Ideas
When a new service launches, they first check to see whether my profile remotely matches their intended customer profile. If it does, they leave a forum-like message on SignUp, together with any requests for private credentials. This could all be automated so far. When I next visit the SignUp system, I can look at the requests and check the boxes of any that interest me. Following the appropriate click, SignUp will send the relevant parts of my profile to the remote service. That creates an account for me and does whatever personalization they can with the details that have been supplied. When setup, the URI of most interest to me is sent back to the SignUp system, and that again is presented to me along with all my other registered services on something
in Public bookmarks with article ideas semantic webapps
- Ideas: Calendars, to-do -Danny Ayers
If it turns out I don’t like the new service, another click on the SignUp system will deliver my details to the remote service, and my account there suspended/terminated.
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- IEC - When is a kilobyte a kibibyte? And an MB an MiB?
mathematics dictate that the disparities resulting from mixed and incorrect use of decimal prefixes will become increasingly significant as capacities and data rates continue to grow. In IEC 60027-2, all branches of the IT industry now have a tool with which to iron out inconsistency and achieve mathematical clarity as never before.
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- It's A Whole New Web
It's A Whole New Web
And this time around it will be built by you
business businessweek magazine online week
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- Japan.internet.com デイリーリサーチ - ソーシャルブックマークサービス、認知度は1割強
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- Jarrod Trainque » Blog Archive » Turning Wordpress into a tag-based blogging application
Summary: How to forego categories and date-based archives and turn your Wordpress-powered blog into a tag-based blogging system. Like del.icio.us, but a blog.
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- Javascript Entry - Cody Lindley: ThickBox - One box to rule them all.
Cody Lindley is a client-side engineer (aka front-end developer) and recovering Flash developer. He has an extensive background working professionally (11+ years) with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, and client-side performance techniques as it pertains to web development. If he is not wielding client-side code he is likely toying with interface/interaction design, PHP, MVC framework
in Public bookmarks with ajax article box inpage javascript popup script tutorial by 3 users
- Javier Martí - LIFE & ARTWORKS
For a start,do you realise that due to systems and services that rely on social bookmarking, everyone will end up doing the same things and going to the same place, seeing the same photos, buying the same books, travelling to the same destinations, reading the same blogs...and so on?Javier Martí - LIFE & ARTWORKS
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- Jon Udell: language evolution in del.icio.us
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- Learn 3 Excellent JavaScript Libraries at Once - Nettuts
good introduction to js libraries
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- Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries
This paper attempts to resolve some of this controversy by suggesting a definition and theory for Library 2.0, as well as providing examples of its substantial implications for librarianship. A more exact definition and theory for Library 2.0 is necessary
Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Blog, Wiki, Streaming media, Social network, Tagging, Folksonomy, Controlled Vocabulary, RSS, Mashup, Information retrieval, World Wide Web, Internet
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