- deal architect : Addicted to Blogs
deal architect : Addicted to Blogs
with apologies to Robert Palmer TypePad's up, but you're not there Your mind is on WordPress Your eyes squint, your fingers ache Another post is what it takes You can't sleep, you can't click There's no doubt, you're into digg...
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- Dee Zsombor's blog: How to build an AJAX-ed spellchecker with Ruby On Rails
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- DeeperInsidePR.pdf (application/pdf Object)
This paper serves as a companion or extension to the “Inside PageRank” paper by Bianchini et al. [19]. It is a comprehensive survey of all issues associated with PageRank, covering the basic PageRank model, available and recommended solution methods,
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- Del.icio.us - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Delicious statistics
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- Digg-In-A-Box? Automatic News Filtering And Aggregation? Newsmastering Engines Keep Growing: reBlogger Is Next - Robin Good'...
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- Digital Libraries and the Semantic Web - slide "Layer Cake"
Digital Libraries and the Semantic Web - slide "Layer Cake"
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- Dive Into Accessibility
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- Does the Brain Like E-Books? - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com
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- Enterprise Reporting - Definition
This is a brief guide to enterprise reporting. It is intended to help people who have to rapidly come to grips with concepts in enterprise reporting. Target roles include project managers, business analysts and system architects.
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- eTech/2004/realworldsemantics
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- Expandable Post Hackery for Blogger - Freshblog
Here's a good post.
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- Favoor message
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- FlickrLicio.us - Babes of Flickr
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- Folksonomies: Tags Strengths, Weaknesses And How To Make Them Work - Robin Good's Latest News
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- Folksonomies: Tidying up Tags?
Contents Begin Article Header D-Lib MagazineJanuary 2006 Volume 12 Number 1 ISSN 1082-9873 Folksonomies Tidying up Tags? Marieke Guy UKOLN Emma Tonkin UKOLN 1. Introduction A folksonomy is a type of ...
D-Lib Magazine
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- For Bloggers Seeking Name Recognition, Nothing Beats a Good Scandal - New York Times
But the blogosphere is expanding at a rate of 70,000 sites a day, according to Technorati, the blog search portal, which now tracks activity on more than 20 million blogs in real time - and the right bit of news can always catapult new sites into the limelight.For Bloggers Seeking Name Recognition, Nothing Beats a Good Scandal - New York Times
The blogosphere is expanding at a rate of 70,000 sites a day, and the right bit of news can always catapult new sites into the limelight.
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- FredCavazza.net : Qu'est-ce que l'identit‽ num‽rique ?
Good article about web identity, in French
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- Google Base blog import instructions
Google Base blog import instructions
Google Base launched last Tuesday as a new repository of information for distribution across Google's network of sites including Google search, Froogle, and Google Local. You can add your existing content to the Google Base for broad distribution with only a few easy steps. I'll show you how. You need a Google account associated with Google Base to submit items. Sign-in to Google
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