- UserVoice - Customer Feedback 2.0 - Harness the ideas of your customers. Build great products. Turn customers into champions.
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with collaboration customer-service feedback product-management support uservoice
- Tender Support — Support your product
Knowledge Base, Helpdesk, Forums
By kapluni in Public bookmarks with forum helpdesk support by 3 users
- Beer and Blog
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with beer blogs communities support
- ScreenCastsOnline
Mac video Tutorials
By adsie in Public bookmarks with mac support by 4 users
- Getting Personal - Tools for Online Businesses
Getting Personal is all about providing answers for online business operations. From monitoring a brand's image on the web, to evaluating the Return on Investment of the company's internet marketing campaigns, Getting Personal provides all the tools any company or individual needs to get a clear picture of their standing in cyberspace. Getting Personal gets personal - allowing an intimate look at the online audience and the workings of the world wide web.
By Darren8310 in Public bookmarks with business development internet support tools web
- Apple - Support - Discussions - Why has my Mac mini become so slow? ...
In a word, it comes down to lag. Every operation which used to be instant when the Mac was new, now has a delay of anything from half a second to over 10 seconds. It feels like walking in mud. And it's always the first time I do something I haven't done for a few minutes -- if I repeat the same operation immediately afterwards, it's instant. Long delays are often (but not always) accompanied by the beachball -- which I see a lot.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with apple comment forum francois mac mini slow support
- Tech Support, Manuals
Support Information for Consumer Electronics & Appliances , Repair Services, Manuals, Guides, FAQs & Troubleshooting
By Wins in Public bookmarks with p2p reference repair support by 25 users
- Google Open Source Blog: CSS Selector Shell Released
So far this tool has proven quite useful by showing what happens when developers try to make use of CSS selector syntax that may not be supported in a particular browser. Specifically, it can show how and perhaps why a particular CSS hack works in some browsers and how it is ignored in others. It can also demonstrate the potential for harm when using unsupported CSS syntax in some browsers.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with browser css csstext google selector shell support test
- DD_belatedPNG: Medicine for your IE6/PNG headache!
This is a Javascript library that sandwiches PNG image support into IE6 without much fuss.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with dd_belatedpng diller drew ie6 javascript png support
- CSS Compatibility and Internet Explorer
This article provides an at-a-glance look at CSS compliance across recent versions of Internet Explorer, including support in Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 and planned support in the final version of Internet Explorer 8.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with compatibility css css3 ie ie8 support versions by 2 users
Results 31 - 40 for support
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