Sizzle JavaScript Selector Library A pure-JavaScript CSS selector engine designed to be easily dropped in to a host library. Sizzle supports virtually all CSS 3 Selectors – this even includes some parts that are infrequently implemented such as escaped selectors (“.foo\\ bar”), Unicode selectors, and results returned in document order. There are a few notable exceptions to the CSS 3 selector support (the reasoning for this decision can be found here): * :root * :target * :nth-last-child * :nth-of-type / :nth-last-of-type / :first-of-type / :last-of-type / :only-of-type * :lang() In addition to the CSS 3 Selectors Sizzle supports the following additional selectors or conventions. By ycc2106in Public bookmarkswith cssjavacriptselectorby 2 users
Google Open Source Blog: CSS Selector Shell Released So far this tool has proven quite useful by showing what happens when developers try to make use of CSS selector syntax that may not be supported in a particular browser. Specifically, it can show how and perhaps why a particular CSS hack works in some browsers and how it is ignored in others. It can also demonstrate the potential for harm when using unsupported CSS syntax in some browsers. By fjordaanin Public bookmarkswith browsercsscsstextgoogleselectorshellsupporttest