IE z-index bug It appears that in Internet Explorer (windows) positioned elements do generate a new stacking context, starting with a z-index value of 0, causing the lime-green box to appear above the yellow box. in Public bookmarkswith bugcssieorderstackingz-index
[Mishoo] IE: Popularity theft This new bug makes a fresh IE6 user (that is, one who didn't visit the bage before) generate much more server hits than one with any other browser would. Microsoft is not interested in the fact that users are wasting bandwidth, not in the fact that Web servers are wasting bandwidth; this is not their money. However Microsoft is interested in the fact that Web servers got 10 times more hits from Internet Explorer than they get from other browsers. in Public bookmarkswith backgroundbugcacheingconspiracycssflickrieimagemishoorantby 3 users