- Arkansas Real Estate
Provided here is the entire MLS system of Northwest Arkansas for you to search. Here you will find listings for Bentonville, Bella Vista, Rogers, Fayetteville, Fort Smith or anywhere in-between . If you want to be put on a instant home search where listings within your parameters are sent to you in real time as they come up, e-mail me and I will set you up.
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Buy or Sell your property in Arkansas . Property in Bentonville, Arkansas, Rogers, Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Bella Vista, Arkansas, Springdale, Arkansas, Eureka Springs, Arkansas , and surrounding areas
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- Talking To The Music Industry Again, The Aspen Live Conference at FISTFULAYEN
Which is where I came in. I have a pretty optimistic view of the future of media. I (like David Byrne) think what’s happening in media today makes sense, is good for people who make music and people who love music (if not for people who built oligopolies on selling music on plastic discs for $18) and is good for culture in general. I wanted to give a presentation which explained where this optimism came from, the forces behind it, where I saw the opportunity is/isn’t, and encouraged the music industry to do the right thing with respect to building platforms for monetization and leveraging standards. It was pretty lofty goal in its own right, but worth a shot.
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