- Talking To The Music Industry Again, The Aspen Live Conference at FISTFULAYEN
Which is where I came in. I have a pretty optimistic view of the future of media. I (like David Byrne) think what’s happening in media today makes sense, is good for people who make music and people who love music (if not for people who built oligopolies on selling music on plastic discs for $18) and is good for culture in general. I wanted to give a presentation which explained where this optimism came from, the forces behind it, where I saw the opportunity is/isn’t, and encouraged the music industry to do the right thing with respect to building platforms for monetization and leveraging standards. It was pretty lofty goal in its own right, but worth a shot.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with ian industry music presentation rogers yahoo
- The Perfect Pop-up (creating accessible pop-up windows) | Tutorials | Accessify
This is an update of the article that was originally posted in November 2002]. This update demonstrates methods that use unobtrusive JavaScript and CSS to trigger the pop-up, and all references to inline event handlers have been removed.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with accessify ian javascript lloyd pop-up popup window by 4 users
- Ian Alexander's Natural Patterns Library
By rdgranados in Ricks > Design > tools/resources > patterns with alexanders design ian natural patterns resources ricks tools
- The Mayan Calendar - Mayan Majix - Ian Xel Lungold - Mayan Astrology
Mayan Majix - Learn about the Maya,Mayan Calendar products, Mayan Astrology,Ian Xel Lungold,2012
By barkhat in Public bookmarks with astrology calendar ian lungold majix mayan xel by 2 users
- Camera-Works
Robert Ian Axford's Camera-Works, Documenting my repairs and restorations.
Robert Ian Axford's Camera-Works, Documenting my repairs and restorations.
arca-swiss bronica canon contax hasselblad kodak leica linhof mamiya minolta nikon olympus pen rolleiflex sinar technika zeiss
By cblurton in Photography Resources > Camera/Lens Repair and Service with axfords camera-works documenting ian repairs restorations robert
- Yahoo! 360º - ian c rogers's Y! blog - Y! Music Unlimited vs. Mojo Filter, May 2005 REVISITED
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with 360º ian mojo music rogers unlimited yahoo
- Motorcycle Reports Ian Smith Information motorcycle article reprint archives
By WillySnowMan in Motorcycle with archives article ian information motorcycle reports reprint smith
- Ian Fenn MA (Radio)
By applegrass in People > Friends with fenn friends ian ma people radio
- The Perfect 404: A List Apart
Strategies for building custom 404 error pages that enhance usability.
404 error found not page usability
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with 404 alistapart ian lloyd
- Accessify.com - Attractive, Accessible Web Sites (AKA disproving the myth of ugly)
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with accessible accessify aka attractive corporate css design disproving ian lloyd myth pure ugly web
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