Global Legal Information Network The Global Legal Information Network (GLIN) is a public database of official texts of laws, regulations, judicial decisions, and other complementary legal sources contributed by governmental agencies and international organizations. These GLIN members contribute the full texts of their published documents to the database in their original languages. Each document is accompanied by a summary in English and, in many cases in additional languages, plus subject terms selected from the multilingual index to GLIN. All summaries are available to the public, and public access to full texts is also available for most jurisdictions. By sgrenezin Toolswith reference_toolssystem:unfiledby 2 users
Main Page - Wex Wex is an ambitious effort to construct a collaboratively-created, public-access law dictionary and encyclopedia. It is sponsored and hosted by the Legal Information Institute at the Cornell Law School ( Much of the material that appears in Wex was originally developed for the LII's "Law about..." pages, to which Wex is the successor. By sgrenezin Tools > Dictionarieswith cornelldictionarylawmainreference_toolswexby 4 users