- 中國文化研究院 - 燦爛的中國文明
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with chinese cultures databases drawing histories liberal-studies literature mandarin music societies teacher 中文 中華 文化 文學 普通話 歷史 社會 繪畫 藝術
- The China WWW Virtual Library
Internet Guide for Chinese Studies
This award winning guide is part of the official Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library and offers an annotated list of Internet sites dealing with Greater China (i.e. PR China, Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore). Topics include News Media, Politics, Business and Economy, Society, Philosophy and Religion, History, Literature, Culture, Language, Bibliographies, Academic Institut
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By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with chinese databases directories educational-organization liberal-studies libraries library-lesson 中華 圖書課 圖書館 教育組織 目錄 資料庫 通識
- 香港電台網上廣播站
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with broadcast chinese cultures education english health histories information-technology languages liberal-studies mandarin politics science societies technologies tutorials videos 中文 中華 健康 by 5 users
- 牢騷絮語 - 我的生財工具:字典詞彙(網上資源篇)
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with blogs chinese dictionaries idiom languages multiple-countries pronunciation reviews 中文 多國 字典 成語 發音 評論 語文
- 联合早报网 zaobao.com
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By arrowofsun in Language > Chinese > News with chinese language news by 5 users
- On-line Chinese Tools
Java and CGI tools to help people learn and use Chinese
Java and CGI tools to help people learn and use Chinese
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By arrowofsun in Language > Chinese > Learning with cgi chinese java language learning people tools by 11 users
- 新华网-传播中国 报道世界
By arrowofsun in Language > Chinese > News with chinese language news by 5 users
- Learning Chinese Online Page
Everything you wanted to know about learning the Chinese langauge.
Everything you wanted to know about learning the Chinese langauge.
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By arrowofsun in Language > Chinese > Learning with chinese langauge language learning wanted by 5 users
- http://www.chinapage.com/main2.html
By arrowofsun in Language > Chinese > Learning with chinese language learning by 2 users
- 老貓學出版:圖書出版業, 編輯知識, 產業分析
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with blogs chinese publishing writing 中文 出版 寫作
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