- seamonkey
mozilla's all-inclusive suite
By foxglove in Public bookmarks with browser calendar firefox mail mozilla software by 7 users
- Homepage of South Rebels Football
By mrnitpicky in R with calendar football rebels south
- calendar conversion
By trio in Public bookmarks with calendar ilo internacia international kalendaro tool
- Google Calendar
By henrik in Internet > Google with calendar google
- Maya Astronomy
The Maya are well known for their precise calendar and astronomy. The four surviving written documents (which are called the Dresden, Madrid, Paris, and Grolier Codices) that they have left behind include an ephemeris that charts the heliacal risings and settings in the synodic cycle of the planet Venus and an eclipse warning table based on observable lunar and solar cycles.
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with astronomy calendar charts cycle eclipse maya planet
- King County, Washington, United States - Upcoming
By foxglove in Public bookmarks with calendar seattle seattlelocal
- Seattle Events, event calendar, guide to happenings around Seattle
Exploit Seattle
By foxglove in Public bookmarks with calendar seattle seattlelocal
- timeanddate.com
Current Time Worldwide (World Clock) and Calendars for countries worldwide both online and for printing. Find the best time for web meetings (meeting planner) or use the Time and Date Converters. Online services and Apps available for iPhone, iPad, and Android.
calculator calendar clock counters current date daylight month perpetual saving time world year zone
By Darkbee in Simpy Bookmarks with calendar internettools by 77 users
- googlecl
Project Hosting on Google Code
By bytehead in Public bookmarks with api calendar cl code commandline gdata google googlecl linux opensource programming script shell software sysadmin tool tools ubuntu utilities youtube by 2 users
- Ebay Calendar
Add-ons for Firefox
By jecogite in Informatique > Firefox-extentions with calendar ebay ical
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