- American Chinese cuisine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with chinese food wikipedia
- 全字庫 - 字碼查詢&下載
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with chinese codes languages pronunciation radicals stroke-order 中文 字碼 發音 筆順 語文 部首
- Condensed China: Chinese History for Beginners
Condensed China: Chinese History for Beginners. Condensed China offers a lively, quirky, and interesting take on the events, trends, and accomplishments of China's past four thousand years. Starting from the Xia Dynasty, more than two thousand years before Christ, and moving up to today, the site touches on topics ranging from the development of Daoism to the handover of Hong Kong.
By vqcmarketing in Public bookmarks with chinese history by 2 users
- Chinese-English dictionary
Ed Trager's Chinese-English dictionary. This is an AJAX-based Chinese-English dictionary, still in a very unfinished state. Hanzi (Kanji) of course. But you can also type in pinyin with or without tone marks ("mao", "mao2", mao ze dong", etc.). Or try bopomofo (there is a handy entry assistance table on the site as most people don't have bopomofo keyboard layouts. Or try English (try "net", "network", etc.). But perhaps the most interesting of all is that you can also do lookup by radical and stroke count just as you would with a traditional Chinese dictionary.
By mcswell in Languages > Chinese with chinese
- 商业计划书撰写的真实案例——CEO访谈 - 译言翻译
A Chinese translation of "Preivew of New Travel Search Engine - Kango.com".
By travel2c in Public bookmarks with chinese engine kango search translation travel
- Free Online Translator
(up to 150 words free) Includes russian dutch korean chinese japanese arabic greek as well as the usual Euro languages
Free online translation. Translate to and from: English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Hebrew, Korean, Russian, Greek, Swedish, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hausa, Hindi, Hungarian, Norwegian, Pashto, Farsi, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Somali, Thai, Turkish and Urdu
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By davidbrake in reference with arabic chinese dutch free greek japanese korean russian translation by 41 users
- 粵語審音配詞字庫
Chinese Character Database: With Word-formations, Phonologically Disambiguated According to the Cantonese Dialect
cantonese characters chinese hanzi syllabary
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with chinese languages pronunciation 中文 發音 語文
- 開放文學 - 古典小說
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with catalogue chinese databases literature 中文 中華 文學 書目 資料庫
- 藍藍的movie blog
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with arts blogs chinese films reviews 中文 藝術 評論 電影
- 香港公共圖書館 – 專題資源選介
By alanpoon in Public bookmarks with catalogue chinese cultures economics english histories hong-kong-government liberal-studies libraries library-lesson societies 中文 圖書課 圖書館 文化 書目 歷史 社會 經濟 英文
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