- CSS: figures & captions
By grdnldy in Public bookmarks with captions css figures images webdev
- Metalogging: Keywording images in an image database
Keyword = Key ideas/concepts expressed as words Keywording = The practice of selecting the most appropriate keywords to describe an object, image, or work.
A controlled vocabulary can be useful in describing images and information when organizing and classifying content for image databases.
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By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with captions iptc keywording keywords metadata photography tags by 2 users
- Custom Sign Generator Page, Over 5,000 Image Generators (Personalized Flash Ecards & JPG Pictures) To Play With, Ajax Web 2....
Create your own free customized (change captions, quotes, sayings, phrases, etc to your own customized words into the image) special messages on a huge list (over 1,000 free e-cards) of images and real signs to choose from. Create free customized clipart online like: banners, comics, blog buttons, email sigs, safety signs, warning labels, logos, antispam tag, etc.Once you have created your custom sign or picture, you can email it to a friend or family member as cute message (electronic greeting cards) or send out a gag prank for FREE (no sign-up or membership needed). Hours of fun and you can literally create millions of funny ecards, just need an imagination! Electronic greeting card emails are now sent anonymously! Many people call these sign generator...
Create your own free customized (change captions, quotes, sayings, phrases, etc to your own customized words into the image) special messages on a huge list (over 1,000 free e-cards) of images and real signs to choose from. Create free customized clipart online like: banners, comics, blog buttons, email sigs, safety signs, warning labels, logos, antispam tag, etc.Once you have cre
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By conradina in Todd Stuff Not in Folders with captions customized folders free quotes sayings stuff todd by 25 users
- NOVA | The Elegant Universe | Watch the Program (full-screen) | PBS
Einstein's Dream: Combining the laws of the universe in one theory that explains it all is the Holy Grail of physics.
By fjordaan in Public bookmarks with captions elegant nova pbs physics program science tv universe video watch by 13 users
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