- Image Research Team
imaging research photo ##########################################################################################################################
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with imaging photo research
- spitting images://digital photo imaging san diego
#digital #imaging #retouching #photo ##############################################################################################################
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with digital imaging photo retouching
- Biomedical Imaging Group > Student Projects
By Eddie in Bookmarks Toolbar > Cardiovascular Flow Dynamics with biomedical cardiovascular dynamics flow imaging projects student
- NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory
Viewing Images and Video Images - The majority of the images found on the EVL website are created from NOAA satellite data, primarily the GOES and POES spacecraft. Imagery is available in JPG or PNG format in a variety of medium and high resolution formats; however some images are available for very high resolution printing. Animations and video - The EVL is constantly looking for the best way to deliver high quality digital video compatible with the major video playback architectures. We use the latest video industry standard, MPEG-4 with H.264 compression, for its compatibility in broadcast and DVD production and Flash for its universal support in internet browsers. Our video can be viewed in the latest Apple QuickTime, Windows Media, Real and MPEG-compat
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with digital environmental imaging noaa space video
- Clonezilla
By bytehead in Public bookmarks with clone clonezilla cloning computer disk drive filesystem free freeware ghost imaging livecd partition restore software storage tool tools utilities windows by 9 users
- Controlled Vocabulary: your site for information on Keyword, Hierarchical Classification, Thesauri, Taxonomy and Subject Hea...
What is a Controlled Vocabulary, and how is it useful? Takes the Guess Work out of Searching A controlled vocabulary makes a database easier to search. Since we have many different ways of describing concepts, drawing all of these terms together under
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with categories classifications controlledvocabulary folksonomy howto imaging keywording keywords metadata photography reference tagging taxonomy
- TrueGrain Overview
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with film-grain graphics imaging photography photoshop software
- 3D Camera & 3D Video Solutions – 3DV Systems
3DV Systems has developed a breakthrough imaging technology that captures the three dimensions of objects, enabling users to control games and personal space through intuitive body gestures and to replace video background in real-time.
By martinostlund in Public bookmarks with 3dv breakthrough captures developed dimensions imaging systems technology
- Virtual Hairstyles
Hair Imaging - Makeover Software
Virtual Hairstyles, Hairstyling and Hair Imaging Software
computer cosmopolitan fake haircut hairstyles hairstyling imaging makeover software virtual
By Chuy in HairStyles with hairstyles imaging makeover software by 2 users
- Pro-Set Imaging
By rrhobbs in Public bookmarks with digital imaging new-jersey nj photography proset
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