- Juice, the cross-platform podcast receiver.
Juice Receiver (formerly iPodder) is a media aggregator which automatically downloads podcasts and media files to your computer or portable device, leaving you 'one-click-away' from latest media feeds. The whole process is done on it's own, so you don't have to select files, search for them or click links to download the media. All you do is specify some hotspots where to download from and wait to get yourself the content.
Juice Receiver (formerly iPodder) is a media aggregator which automatically downloads podcasts and media files to your computer or portable device, leaving you 'one-click-away' from latest media feeds. The whole process is done on it's own, so you don't have to select files, search for them or click links to download the media. All you do is specify some hotspots where to download
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By kepitcher in Bookmarks Toolbar Folder > Podcasting with aggregator automatically formerly ipodder juice media podcasting receiver by 10 users
- Web Form Factory (v0.1.3 beta) - Open Source Web Form Generator
Web Form Factory, (WFF) is a web form generator which automatically generates tested web form code that you can use with PHP4/PHP5
Web Form Factory, (WFF) is a web form generator which automatically generates tested web form code that you can use with PHP4/PHP5
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By korndog in Public bookmarks with automatically code factory form generates tested web wff by 11 users
Enter a portfolio, get recommendations automatically from hedge funds, mutual funds, super investors
Enter a portfolio, get recommendations automatically from hedge funds, mutual funds, super investors
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By kapama in investments with automatically enter funds hedge investments mutual portfolio recommendations
- How to automatically create a System Restore point upon the first boot up of the day_
By jgouin in System Restore Point with system restore point automatically upon boot
- Sources.list generator - Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings
Here you can generate an ubuntu sources.list for your preferred set of repositories. Just tick all repositories you want. The default set is selected automatically. If you know another repository that should be included here, feel free to send your suggestion to dennis@ubuntu.com When a repository in this list has a GPG key, you may need to add that to the APT trusted keys. You can do this with the following commands (replace KEY with the key ID)
"Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". Ubuntu also means "I am what I am because of who we all are". The Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world.
By narky in Computing > Linux > Howto with automatically commands computer computing gpg key keys linux repositories repository sources.list ubuntu by 6 users
- Blog Automatically, Make Money Online, Affiliate Marketing with RSS News to Your Blog
By farroutlinks in RSS and Blog with affiliate automatically blog marketing money news online rss by 4 users
- eSnipe
Bid on eBay Automatically - eSnipe 3.0
By cblurton in Photography Resources > Sniping Software with 3.0 automatically bid ebay esnipe photography sniping software by 4 users
- StealthBid Auction Sniper
Snipe eBay Auctions Automatically and Win
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By cblurton in Photography Resources > Sniping Software with auctions automatically ebay photography snipe sniping software win
- The Box Office
Automatically wrap text around freeform images using XHTML and CSS
The Box Office is a tool for webdevelopers which lets one wrap/float/contour text around freeform images for usage in (X)HTML pages.
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By ycc2106 in tools > html with automatically freeform html images text tools wrap xhtml
- PHP Photo And Image Gallery Script - STADTAUS.com
A simple PHP script for automatically creating a picture gallery from a folder of images. Just upload a directory with pictures and thumbnails to your web server by FTP. No database is needed to run the software.
A simple PHP script for automatically creating a picture gallery from a folder of images. Just upload a directory with pictures and thumbnails to your web server by FTP. No database is needed to run the software.
By hamzaz in `Open Source > PHp Folderz with automatically folderz gallery open php picture script source
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