- "XHTML Basic" reference with examples
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- CSS Frame Generator
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- Grid System Generator (v0.94) | Create valid css / xhtml grid systems
The grid system generator will create fixed grid systems in valid css / xhtml for rapid prototyping, development and production environments *. In addition to the css framework, it creates a background file (sample) that you can use in Fireworks, Illustrator, OmniGraffle, Photoshop, Visio (etc.) to aid in prototyping and design.
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- HTML / XHTML / XML / WML Validator
Validome allows Web Publishers to check their syntax with a reliable, high-speed validation service, in accordance to current official Standards.
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- HTML Playground, html, css reference by example
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- NiceDoc.com
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- suda.co.uk/projects [X2V]
This is aBETAimplementation of anXSLTfile to transform and hCa* encodedXHTMLfile into the correspondingvCard/iCalendarfile. The DRAFT specification for hCa* encodings can be found at the Technorati Delevoper Wiki.suda.co.uk/projects [X2V]
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- Textile
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- The Box Office
Automatically wrap text around freeform images using XHTML and CSS
The Box Office is a tool for webdevelopers which lets one wrap/float/contour text around freeform images for usage in (X)HTML pages.
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- txt2tags online
Txt2tags is a document generator. It reads a text file with minimal markup as **bold** and //italic// and converts it to the following formats: HTMLXHTMLSGMLLaTeXLoutMan pageWikipedia / MediaWiki (NEW)Google Code Wiki (NEW)DokuWiki (NEW)MoinMoinMagicPointPageMakerPlain text
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- Validators
Validators HTML, XHTML, CSS, RSS, RDF at one place
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- Web20Generator
XHTML CSS Design Generator
Generates XHTML/CSS page templates in a Web 2.0 Stylee
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- XFN - XHTML Friends Network
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- XHTML Character Encoder - Convert HTML Entities
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- Xhtml Document Validation
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- xoxo - Microformats
Tantek pointed out that XHTML has everything necessary for semantically expressing outlines and blogroll-like subscriptions in an XML format that is both interactively renderable by browsers and parsable by strict XML engines.
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- ZVON.org - ZVON
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