- Bookmark Tags Firefox Extension
Bookmark Tags is a Firefox extension that allows you to easily organize your bookmarks. Instead of deciding on the one, appropriate folder to place a bookmark in, you assign it any number of “tags,” or categories, and let Bookmark Tags organize your bookmarks for you. And with the tag browser sidebar and window, instead of hunting for bookmarks through hierarchical folders and subfolders, you can browse with tags, using your categories like a sieve to filter out unwanted bookmarks.
in Public bookmarks with bookmark browser extension firefox
- Del.icio.us Address-barlets
The del.icio.us social bookmark system completely replaces my in-browser bookmarks with the addition of the following Keymarks (or Searchlets or Address-barlets or whatever you call them).
in Public bookmarks with adressbarlets bookmark bookmarklet bookmarklets bookmarks del.icio.us tag tagging
- Graywolf's Wolf-Howl: Add to Del.icio.us JavaScript
If you run a blog, forum, news website, or anything other kind of website that you want people to add to their del.icio.us bookmarks, feel free to grab my Add to Del.icio.us JavaScript. It's a nice simple little piece of code that gets the URL and title of the page and builds it to the post URL. I chose JavaScript so you could use it on HTML pages as well as PHP, ASP, or any other language. Use it, let me know what you think, or if you have ideas to improve it.
in Public bookmarks with bookmark del.icio.us javascript
- Netvouz updated 2005-11-08
The social bookmark manager Netvouz has been updated again: New release 2005-11-08
in Public bookmarks with bookmark netvouz
bookmark from all users