- Historical Papers
Optical experiments and theory examining the evidence in support of relativity theory verses various ether theories.
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- Historie matematiky na olomoucké univerzitě
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- History and Philosophy in Science Teaching
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- History Topics Index
in Fyzika > Fyzika obecně > Historie with fyzika historie history index obecn topics
- Horizons in Physics Education - Horizons of Physics Education
Horizons of Physics Education (HOPE) - a new European Academic Network
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- HyperPhysics
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- Indexes of Biographies
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- International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group
International History & Philosophy of Science Teaching Group. This organisation promotes research informed by the history, philosophy and sociology of science and education for the improvement of better teaching, learning and curricula in science
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- Janus
Papers of Edmond Halley
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- Jef Raskin
Effectiveness of Mathematics
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- KG MFF UK - Výuka
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- List of important publications in physics
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- List of unsolved problems in physics
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- Měl Einstein opravdu pětku z matematiky? Ne, odmaturoval s šestkami - iDNES.cz
Geniální Albert Einstein údajně propadal z matematiky a fyziky. Často opakovaný mýtus slouží někomu jako ukázka rigidního školství nebo výmluva, jinému jako motivace. Pravdou je, že Einstein byl průměrný student, v matematice a fyzice ovšem vždy vynikal.
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- Moderní-Dějiny.cz | Karel Čapek
Proč nejsem komunistou
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- Myth of the Flat Earth
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- National Institute of Standards and Technology
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- Nobel Prize in Physics
Nobelprize.org, Official Website of the Nobel Foundation
Nobelprize.org, Official Website of the Nobel Prize
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- Not Even Wrong
o teorii strun
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- Obsah
Time Theory
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