- 'A Day Without Yesterday': Georges Lemaitre & the Big Bang
An internet library of journal articles, essays, book excerpts, and other texts chosen for their objective, concise, and clear presentation of Catholic teachings, history, and culture.
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- Analysing Escher | Complex Projective 4-Space
I have just been involved in the production of an action thriller about the International Mathematical Olympiad. Since certain intervals of time were inactive and unthrilling, I decided to pass the time by writing a few cp4space articles, amongst other things. This particular one was distributed across an evening and several train journeys. Anyway, when…
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- Annalen der Physik – Historic Papers
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- Bernard Bolzano
Vše co chcete vědět o Bernardu Bolzanovi. Bolzano,Bernardo,Bernard,Bernardo Bolzano,Bernard Bolzano,logika,logic,filozofie,filosofie, matematika, Mathematica
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- Bibliografie - Vybrané kapitoly z fyziky a filosofie přírody
Cílem práce bude sestavit text vybraných otázek týkajících se vztahu filosofie a fyziky. Měla by nabízet základní přehled jejich vzájemného ovlivňování, ale také různých postojů i historických souvislostí. Může poukázat na to, že fyzika není jen izolovanou vědní disciplínou, ale jedním z pohledů, kterými lze nazírat nazírat na svět.
The goal is to create learning material for school students, their teachers, students of philosophy and physics. It shows that physics or philosophy is not an isolated discipline, but two different world views.
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- Cambridge Digital Library
University of Cambridge
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- De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
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- Dějiny věd a techniky - History of Sciences and Technology - homepage
Časopis a web Společnosti pro dějiny věd a techniky, Praha — Journal and Web of Society for History of Sciences and Technology, Prague
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- Emilio Segrè Visual Archives
The Emilio Segr? Visual Archives of the AIP Center for History of Physics is the world's largest collection of photographs, films and other images in the history of physics and allied sciences such as astronomy and geophysics.
The Emilio Segrè Visual Archives of the AIP Center for History of Physics is the world's largest collection of photographs, films and other images in the history of physics and allied sciences such as astronomy and geophysics.
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- European Society For The History of Science
The official website of the European Society For The History Of Science
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- Feynman
plenty of room
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- Feynman Online
Richard Feynman, scientist, teacher, raconteur, and musician. He assisted in the development of the atomic bomb, expanded the understanding of quantumelectrodynamics, translated Mayan hieroglyphics, and cut to the heart of the Challenger disaster.
Richard Feynman, scientist, teacher, raconteur, and musician. He assisted in the development of the atomic bomb, expanded the understanding of quantumelectrodynamics, translated Mayan hieroglyphics, and cut to the heart of the Challenger disaster.
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- Feynmanova stratená prednáška
Stránky RNDr. Slavomíra Tuleju a RNDr. Jozefa Hanča venované slovenskému prekladu knihy D.Goodsteina a J. Goodsteinovej Feynmanova stratená prednáška obsahujúce Java applety.
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- František Záviška
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- Friedrich Hasenöhrl
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- Galileo Galilei
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- Historical Papers
Optical experiments and theory examining the evidence in support of relativity theory verses various ether theories.
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- Historie matematiky na olomoucké univerzitě
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- History and Philosophy in Science Teaching
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- History Topics Index
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