- "Deutschland" Online
Deutschland is an international magazine about Germany. Deutschland ist ein internationales Magazin über Deutschland. Deutschland es una revista internacional sobre Alemania. Deutschland est la revue international sur Allemagne.
Deutschland ist ein internationales Magazin über Deutschland.
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- ▶ 3D virtual spacewalk outside the International Space Station - YouTube
Get an idea of what it feels like to see the International Space Station from the outside, as an astronaut on a spacewalk. Put your 3D glasses on to apprecia...
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- AccuWeather.com Weather
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- Analysing Escher | Complex Projective 4-Space
I have just been involved in the production of an action thriller about the International Mathematical Olympiad. Since certain intervals of time were inactive and unthrilling, I decided to pass the time by writing a few cp4space articles, amongst other things. This particular one was distributed across an evening and several train journeys. Anyway, when…
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- ASP: An Ancient Universe
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is an international nonprofit scientific and educational organization founded in 1889 that works to increase understanding and appreciation of astronomy.
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is an international nonprofit scientific and educational organization founded in 1889 that works to increase understanding and appreciation of astronomy.
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- ASP: Web Sites for Instructors of Introductory Astronomy Courses
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is an international nonprofit scientific and educational organization founded in 1889 that works to increase understanding and appreciation of astronomy.
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- Astronomy 2006 - IAU XXVIth General Assembly
26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), Prague, 14. - 25. August 2006
På astronomy2006.com finner du nyttig information om astronomy 2006 . Här finns också ett antal andra intressanta länkar. Vi hoppas att du hittar det du söker!
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- BalticSTE 2017
2nd International Baltic Symposium on Science and Technology Education
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- Do Science Demonstrations in the Planetarium Enhance Learning?
International Planetarium Society, Inc.
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- Educational Research Review - Journal - Elsevier
Educational Research Review is a new international journal aimed at researchers and various agencies interested to review studies in education and...
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International Research Group on Physics Teaching
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- International Earth rotation and Reference systems Service (IERS)
International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service Data and Information System
Wechsel zur Homepage des englischsprachigen Auftritts
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- International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group
International History & Philosophy of Science Teaching Group. This organisation promotes research informed by the history, philosophy and sociology of science and education for the improvement of better teaching, learning and curricula in science
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- International Journal of Theoretical Physics
Ihe International Journal of Theoretical Physics publishes original research and reviews in theoretical physics and neighboring fields. Dedicated to the unification of the latest physics research, this journal seeks to map the ...
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- International Space Station / Human Spaceflight / Our Activities / ESA
Features the latest news on the International Space Station (ISS), European participation in the ISS and ISS commercialisation.
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- International X-ray Observatory
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International Organization for Science and Technology Education
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- IPhO - International Physics Olympiads
International Physics Olympiads - An annual
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International Physics Olympiads - An annual competition for secondary school students
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