- Einstein
Relativity (1920)
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- Einstein
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- Einstein Archives Online
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- Einstein in the AAPT Journals
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- Emilio Segrè Visual Archives
The Emilio Segr? Visual Archives of the AIP Center for History of Physics is the world's largest collection of photographs, films and other images in the history of physics and allied sciences such as astronomy and geophysics.
The Emilio Segrè Visual Archives of the AIP Center for History of Physics is the world's largest collection of photographs, films and other images in the history of physics and allied sciences such as astronomy and geophysics.
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- Feynman
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- Feynman Online
Richard Feynman, scientist, teacher, raconteur, and musician. He assisted in the development of the atomic bomb, expanded the understanding of quantumelectrodynamics, translated Mayan hieroglyphics, and cut to the heart of the Challenger disaster.
Richard Feynman, scientist, teacher, raconteur, and musician. He assisted in the development of the atomic bomb, expanded the understanding of quantumelectrodynamics, translated Mayan hieroglyphics, and cut to the heart of the Challenger disaster.
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- Friedrich Hasenöhrl
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- Fundamental Physical Constants from NIST
The values of the fundamental physical constants provided at this site are recommended
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- Galileo Galilei
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