- American Astronomical Society Home Page
with american astronomical astronomie fyzika home instituce society spolenosti by 10 users
- ASP: An Ancient Universe
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is an international nonprofit scientific and educational organization founded in 1889 that works to increase understanding and appreciation of astronomy.
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is an international nonprofit scientific and educational organization founded in 1889 that works to increase understanding and appreciation of astronomy.
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with astronomical astronomie fyzika instituce international pacific society spolenosti
- astro.cz
astro.cz - astronomické novinky
Oficiální stránky Èeské astronomické spoleènosti. Novinky z astronomie, informace o vesmíru, kosmonautice a èinnosti ÈAS.
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- Astronomical Society of the Pacific
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific increases the understanding and appreciation of astronomy by engaging scientists, educators, enthusiasts and the public to advance science and science literacy.
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with astronomical astronomie fyzika instituce pacific society spolenosti by 2 users
- Astronomický ústav AV ČR
Astronomický ústav -
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- Astronomický ústav UK
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with astronomie bccp fyzika instituce spolenosti
- Centre for Theoretical Astrophysics
with astronomie astrophysics fyzika instituce spolenosti theoretical
- Centre for Theoretical Cosmology
with astronomie cosmology fyzika instituce spolenosti theoretical
- ESERO: Pages
with astronomie esero fyzika instituce pages spolenosti
- International Earth rotation and Reference systems Service (IERS)
International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service Data and Information System
Wechsel zur Homepage des englischsprachigen Auftritts
with astronomie earth fyzika instituce international reference rotation spolenosti
- Jihlavská astronomická společnost
Jihlava astronomical society
with astronomical astronomie fyzika instituce jihlava society spolenosti
- Las Cumbres Observatory
with astronomie cumbres fyzika instituce observatory spolenosti
- Royal Astronomical Society
The Royal Astronomical Society, encourages and promotes the study of astronomy, solar-system science, geophysics and closely related branches of science. The RAS organizes scientific meetings in Burlington House, its London HQ, and throughout the country, publishes international research and review journals, recognizes outstanding achievements by the award of medals and prizes, mai
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with astronomical astronomie fyzika instituce royal society spolenosti by 6 users
- Sdružení hvězdáren a planetárií
with astronomie fyzika hvzdáren instituce planetárií sdruení spolenosti
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