Common Lisp Quick Reference Common Lisp Quick Reference is a free booklet with short descriptions of the thousand or so symbols defined in the ANSI standard. It comes with a comprehensive index. Doublepage Sample This rather humble effort is by no means meant to rival the HyperSpec or any of the great introductory web resources and books. Its purpose is to give those who like a piece of dead tree in their hands a quick overview on things they know already, or some clue on what to look up elsewere. It is written in LaTeX and formatted for printing on both A4 and letter paper. After folding the sheets lengthwise, they can easily be turned into a handy booklet. with lispпрограммированиефункциональное
Computer Academic Underground We take the illegal movement or group definition humorously, not litterally. We know that governments do not like us. We know that local law enforcement does not like us. We know that alot of people do not like us. None of this matters, simply because we don't do anything wrong. In today's world, fear is a very strong motivator. When the government does not understand something, it must be evil. When law enforcement does not understand something, it must be illegal and therefore must be stopped. When people don't understand something, they simply get scared and build up their prejudices against what they do not understand. with hackкомпьютеры
coThreads is a concurrent programming library for OCaml. It enhances the Threads library of the standard OCaml distribution in two dimensions: coThreads implements the same API of the standard Threads library on different execution engines (process, netwoker(todo)), so that a single copy of source code can be compiled and deployed to different environments without modification coThreads is also a super set of the standard Threads library, with extra components (STM etc.), functions (spawn etc.) and features (object-level compatibility etc.) with ocamlпрограммирование Вебдванольный сайт для закладок по тематике функционального программирования. Периодически в интернетах отлавливаются ссылки, которые вроде бы и клёвые, но отдельный пост писать не хочется. Вот именно для таких случаев теперь можно использовать with блогипрограммированиефункциональноеby 3 users
Jo&Caml JoCaml is Objective Caml plus (&) the join calculus, that is, OCaml extended for concurrent and distributed programming. The new JoCaml is a re-implementation of the now unmaintained JoCaml by Fabrice Le Fessant. With respect to this previous implementation, main changes are: Numerous syntax changes, we believe the new syntax to be cleaner. Disparition of mobility features, sacrified for the sake of OCaml compatibility. Much better compatibility with Objective Caml. Source compatibility is about 99%, there are three new keywords (def, reply and spawn) ; or and & should definitely not be used as boolean operators. Binary compatibility for matching versions. with ocamlпрограммирование
Linux-телефоны по-русски — первый русскоязычный Web-ресурс, полностью посвященный телефонам на базе свободного программного обеспечения и в особенности — на основе операционной системы с открытым кодом GNU/Linux. Авторство принадлежит Дмитрию Шурупову, известному в рунете благодаря таким проектам, как NIXP.RU и Headlines.Ru with linuxmobile
MkEzx MkEzx is a set of scripts and patches allowing you to build applications and "add-on distributions" for embedded Linux devices. MkEzx is primarily geared towards Motorola EZX handsets such as the A780, E680 and A1200, but a configuration file is also provided for mipsel / uClibc. To get an idea of the wide range of available software, take a look at the list of packages. MkEzx takes care of building its own toolchain, downloading and patching source code, compiling it and producing binaries in the form of Debian .deb packages. The build system is written in Perl and package compilation rules are based on makefile fragments from the Common Debian Build System. MkEzx also features a Gtk+ graphic user interface called gmkezx. with embededlinuxmotorolaby 2 users