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  • OpenEZX
    This website (like all information and software provided by OpenEZX) is not affiliated with Motorola in any way. Everything is provided as-is, and there is no guarantee for correctness, and/or fitness for a particular purpose.Running any kind of altered firmware on your phone will violate your warranty and might even (very unlikely) make it lose its regulatory approval. If you do any modifications to your phone, you're on your own. OpenEZX is a research project, and will not be liable for any damages that might be caused by following instructions/guides on this website.This is a public wiki.
    with embeded linux mobile motorola
  • Petrucci Music Library
    IMSLP attempts to create a virtual library containing all public domain musical scores, as well as scores from composers who are willing to share their music with the world without charge. You can read the full list of goals that IMSLP will try to achieve.
    with музыка ноты by 7 users
  • Scientific Bookstore
    Scientific Bookstore
    with книги by 2 users
  • Source-Navigator
    Source-Navigator is a source code analysis tool. With it, you can edit your source code, display relationships between classes and functions and members, and display call trees.
    with tools программирование утилиты
  • The Motorola Development Community
    I got my first Motorola Linux phone (E680) in December 2004. As it was linux, I thought that it would be a very hackable phone, very simple to meet my needs. Alas, 3 months into the phone and tons of site searching, I couldn't find any solely dedicated site for Motorola's Linux phones.
    with mobile motorola
  • The way to E6/A1200 Native EZX Application
    Come on E6/A1200 developers, Lets join this project for made it better, It's time to ROCK N ROLL :)
    with mobile motorola
  • Warclient
    Warclient is a modified client for Freeciv, with some added and different features. It is matched by the Warserver, a freeciv server with slightly different rules and different default settings.
    with freeciv games
    Hello and welcome to my corner of the Web. I'm a senior computer scientist interested in all scientific aspects of computer programming. I work at INRIA, a French public research institute in computer science and applied mathematics. I am head of the Gallium research team, part of the Paris-Rocquencourt research center of INRIA, located in the western suburbs of Paris.
    with ocaml программирование
  • Военная литература
    Собрание текстов, имеющих отношение к военной истории и истории войн. Первоисточники, архивные документы, мемуары, исследования, проза и поэзия, биографические работы, пропагандистские материалы, статьи, книги по истории техники и оружия, уставы и наставления и др.
    with книги литература by 3 users
  • Интерактивное введение в Го
    Интерактивное введение в Го
    with го игры
  • Менеджер звонков для A1200e, Продвинутый менеджер звонков для A1200e
    Полезная софтина - создает черный и белый список телефонов и позволят по таймеру переключать режимы ответа на звонки из этих списков. Если кто видел ACM для симбовых сматрфонов то вот полный аналог.
    with mobile motorola полезное_для_телефона
  • Элементы
    Научно-популярный проект «Элементы» стартовал в 2005 году и развивается при активной поддержке фонда Дмитрия Зимина «Династия».
    Элементы большой науки: новости науки, научные блоги (дневники, веб-логи), календарь научных событий - конференции, семинары, симпозиумы, конкурсы, олимпиады, лекции; справочник по законодательству Наука, образо
    with наука by 3 users

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