- What is Composting | Composting nature's process recycling decomposed organic materials | San Mateo County RecycleWorks | Reuse
Composting is nature's process of recycling decomposed organic materials into a rich soil known as compost. Anything that was once living will decompose. Basically, backyard composting is an acceleration of the same process nature uses. By composting your organic waste you are returning nutrients back into the soil in order for the cycle of life to continue. Finished compost looks like soil–dark brown, crumbly and smells like a forest floor.
with brown composting decompose green organic process recycling soil waste
Some great animations, simulations, and tutorials. Biology, A&P, Chemistry, Physics (motion), scientific process, using a microscope
with animations ap biology chemistry microscopes physics resources simulations tutorials
- For Health -
A Balanced Diet An overview of the food groups that form a balanced diet. Use for Book 1 Lesson 3
with food_groups health nutrition
- Human genetics of albinism animation
Nice animation explaining the transmission of recessive conditions.
with albinism animation genetics human
- Index of /interactives
Interactive whiteboard applications for science from Ced Paine
with iwb resources science
- Mark Trodden Video about Expanding Galaxies and Types of Matter/Energy
Research summary of old notions of the expanding universe and newer approach to explain how galaxies can to continue moving away from each other at ever-increasing velocities. Talks about Einstein's general theory of relativity -- movement being a curvature of space/time continuum (or something like this)
with cosmology dark_energy dark_matter elementary gravity particle relativity video
Note: Video spends too much time focused on Trodden and not enough on his slides, so you lose focus (and interest) while staring at him talking.
- Ocean Biome and life - Grzimeks Search
The oceans are great interconnected bodies of salt water that cover 71 percent of Earth’s surface, a total of 139,400,000 square miles (361,100,000 square kilometers). They contain 97 percent of all the water on Earth, a total volume of 329,000,000 cubic miles (1,327,000,000 cubic kilometers).
with earth interconnected oceans salt surface volume water
- Teaching Science Blog for Preservice Teachers in UK
This is a blog I set up to share information with my PGCE science students at Billericay SCITT in Essex, UK. I hope to be able to answer some of the questions they have about science, and link to useful websites that they might find useful. Hopefully even get some of them to post here too!
with blog links resources science teaching
- They Came From Climate Change!
National Wildlife Federation video on the effects of climate change on invasive species. WAY overdramatized, but informative. Too corny for HS?? Video from youtube
with climate_change global_warming invasion invasive_species video
- Using the VisualThesaurus
with documentation help manual using visualthesaurus vocabulary
- 'Window cleaner' scoops $1m mid-day heist in Milan
with headlines latest
- 10 Outstanding Sites for Downloading Lesson Plans
Educational software blog. Sites for downloading lesson plans of all kinds. Includes Lesson Planet and others.
with download lesson_plans resources teaching
- 1992 Woodrow Wilson Activities Collection - Bioethics
with bioethics teaching
- 2010 Rivers to Reefs: Workshops: Education: Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary
Rivers to Reefs Educators Workshop is a free six-day, jam-packed teacher's workshop of fantastic field experiences and empowering classroom lessons.
with lessons noaa reefs rivers teachers workshop
- 25 Tools
with 2.0 applications collaborative education learning web
- 251569main_jpl-jason2-pod.MP3 (audio/mpeg Object)
Jason 2 to map the height of the oceans now and over time.
Beach erosion, fisheries, oil companies and other various industries are very interested in these data. Power plants use sea water for cooling, so care about its temperature.
with change climate cryosphere ice level melting relevance sea sheets
- 3 Types of Web-based Instructional Activites (w/examples)
Includes interpersonal exchanges; information collection & analysis; and problem solving instructional activities with examples of all types. Not the most useful resource, but might have some new ideas
with collaborative data_analysis interactive projects web-based
- 52: Population Ecology - Covering the Basic Concepts slide show tutorial
BioFlix resource to delve deeper into population ecology, addressing the concepts: exponential growth, logistic growth, carrying capacity, predator/prey interactions, density-dependent & density-independent growth.
with carrying density growth limiting population_ecology slides
- 7 Online Science Projects for All Grade Levels - Project Based Learning Science Activities that Connect the World
Online science projects provide active and engaged learning, along with encouraging students to develop a better understanding of science. Students are also more likely to retain the knowledge gained through these online activities, because they are more connected with the learning process. The collaborative nature of the science projects listed below help students develop the ability to work in both team-based and independent work. Read more at Suite101: 7 Online Science Projects for All Grade Levels: Project Based Learning Science Activities that Connect the World http://teachingtechnology.suite101.com/article.cfm/7_online_science_projects_for_all_grade_levels#ixzz0kwKJsR5K
with activities global high_school learning middle_school_science problem-based_learning project-based
- 7 Real Time Data Online Science Investigations: Project-Based Learning Designed to Develop Quantitative Skills
Students learn how to conduct science investigations in the same manner as scientists, as they learn to analyze sets of online real time data to solve problems. Using real time data for developing quantitative literacy in project-based learning science activities focuses on students’ ability to use critical thinking and mathematical reasoning skills to draw sound conclusions during science investigations. While quantitative skills are used heavily in math and science, it is not exclusive to either content area. It is a necessary skill used for decision-making and an ability to understand data by applying numerical insight into experimental findings.
with activities critical_thinking data investigations online problem-based_learning project-based wetzel
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