NRDC's Green Squad: The Squad Green Squad – A website co-developed by Natural Resources Defense Council and Healthy Schools Network for middle-schoolers to help them investigate the school environment. Find the environmental problems, compare them to your school, and use the fact sheets to improve the environment at your school. There is also a Parent-Teacher Room and virtual library to help with the investigation. Or visit and learn how you can use your school newspaper to report on environmental conditions. in Public bookmarkswith environmentgreen_schoolsinteractive_whiteboardinvestigationsmiddle_school_sciencepollution
7 Real Time Data Online Science Investigations: Project-Based Learning Designed to Develop Quantitative Skills Students learn how to conduct science investigations in the same manner as scientists, as they learn to analyze sets of online real time data to solve problems. Using real time data for developing quantitative literacy in project-based learning science activities focuses on students’ ability to use critical thinking and mathematical reasoning skills to draw sound conclusions during science investigations. While quantitative skills are used heavily in math and science, it is not exclusive to either content area. It is a necessary skill used for decision-making and an ability to understand data by applying numerical insight into experimental findings. in Public bookmarkswith activitiescritical_thinkingdatainvestigationsonlineproblem-based_learningproject-basedwetzel