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  • sga_flashfic: Think of Atlantis by kassrachel (Ways to Die challenge)
    Think of Atlantis Author: kassrachel Rating: adult Pairing: Rodney/John Word count: 4389
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17 ways_to_die
  • sga_flashfic: Visual Phallusy by Zoe Rayne (voyeurism challenge)
    Title: Visual Phallusy Author: Zoe Rayne (z_rayne) Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: NC-17 Challenge: Voyeurism
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • sga_rps: FIC: iSex (Joe/David, NC-17)
    iSex Author: telesilla Fandom/Pairing: SGA RPS, Joe/David Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Not RL; didn't happen. If you think this has anything to do with the real actors involved, then you need to put down the crack pipe. Summary: Joe calls David from his new iPhone.
    in sga-rps fic with joedavid nc-17
  • sga_santa: Fic: Wrapped in a Red Ribbon (1/3)
    Wrapped in a Red Ribbon (1/3) Author: auburnnothenna Recipient: chase_acow Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, plus a cast of thousands SGA and SG-1 folks. Size: ~23,000 words. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Pinch hit for chase_acow, who asked for: an Earth-based high-rated AU with McKay/Sheppard first time, someone undercover as a slave but not heavy BDSM (whew!) fic with Rodney on top, one of the guys freaking out, a happy ending and a Christmas theme. Well, it's set around Christmas time, and chase_acow, if I'd had even another week to work on this, it would probably have doubled in size and included a lot more sex. I hope it works for you anyway. Betas: Last minute work on this done by mirabile_dictu, lillian13, enname and one who will remain nameless, but is still very m
    in unread_yet_sga with au auburnnothenna mcshep nc-17
  • shaenie: SG:A Fic
    Harmonic Function Author: Shaenie Rating: NC17 Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Warnings: Kink, Kink, OMG THERE IS SOME KINK HERE! Seriously, though. This is fairly intense s/D, BDSM. Also, unsafe sex, if that bugs you. Do keep in mind that this is fiction, and you're a moron not to use protection in reality. Spoilers: Takes place Pre-Atlantis, and previous to the appearance of McKay on Stargate SG1. Notes: Thanks go to the usual suspects, [info]cindyjade and [info]the_drifter, for all the usual reasons, and also to [info]pir8fancier for the last minute beta, for she is the awesome. This was, probably not surprisingly, spurred into existence by Kink!Bingo, but I'm choosing not to use it for that for a couple of reasons. Nevertheless, a thank you to the ladies respon
    in sga fic with a_shaenie mcshep nc-17
  • shaenie: SGA Fic (?!?!?)
    With Intent (part 1) Author: Shaenie Rating: Hahhaha, NC17 Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Warnings: Uh, Fluff? Porn? Fluffy Porn? I know, weird. Spoilers: Through 4X14, Harmony Summary: John has never successfully talked about anything in his entire life, and while Rodney would probably tell him that means he's statistically due for success, John isn't keen on risking it. Word Count: 12,000+ Notes: Desperate gratitude is owed to the_drifter for duties including, but not limited to, beta, whining, pointing out an extremely unfortunate analogy, mockery and just general awesomeness. Thanks and Mockery in equal parts to cindyjade for the abuse of googledocs comment feature while simultaneously abusing capslock. <3 you both.
    in sga fic with a_shaenie mcshep nc-17
  • shaenie: SGA fic: Indelible pt 1
    Title: Indelible (1) Author: [info]shaenie Rating: NC17 Posting Note: This is not a WIP. It's complete, and has been through 2 betas, but I'm still working on coding and the last tweaks from the 3rd beta. It will be updated daily until it's all posted (about a week?). Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Spoilers: This is sort of complicated. This takes place vaguely mid season three, before The Return. It's more or less canon up to that point, and veers off after into AU territory. Length: Oh. My. God. Summary: So, you know what? I spent about half an hour trying to summarize this fic, and either I suck, or it's freaking impossible. A whole huge pile of stuff happens.
    in unread_yet_sga with a_shaenie mcshep nc-17
  • sheafrotherdon: Fic: Seven Days
    Seven Days by [info]sheafrotherdon and [info]siriaeve ~ 1500 words, inspired by the second picture [over here] (NSFW). NC17. And . . . yes. That describes it all. :D
    in sga fic with a_sheafrotherdon a_siriaeve mcshep nc-17
  • siegeofangels: Fic: High as Heaven [SGA]
    High as Heaven Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Atlantis/Rodney. Yes, like that. Summary: Sex. Love. ~850 words. Rating: Adult, see above re: sex.
    in unread_yet_sga with mcshep nc-17
  • Something To Say - New Fic: RPS JF/DH
    The Telltale Stories in Your Eyes Fandom: RPS Pairing: Joe Flanigan/David Hewlett Rating: NC-17 Word count: ~3800 Summary: David’s eyes are very blue and his eyelashes are ridiculously long. These are things Joe’s known for years now, but he never gets tired of rediscovering them. He’s never yet managed to get tired of looking at David, and that’s what freaks him out
    in sga-rps fic with joedavid nc-17
  • Stargate Atlantis, Lost in Waiting
    Lost in Waiting Author: Lacey McBain Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Word Count: ~14,800 (I know!!) Timeline: Set vaguely in the middle of S2 - definitely post-Runner, but with references to S1. Summary: "You can’t have it both ways, Colonel. If you haven’t had any relationships, either you’re having the occasional one-night stand or you’re not having sex at all.” Disclaimer: SGA doesn't belong to me. But you already knew that. Author Notes: torakowalski said she'd really like to see a realistic Virgin!John fic, and I got to thinking about it and couldn't stop. I tried my very best. This is for her.
    in unread_yet with mcshep nc-17 by 2 users
  • Starshine Dreams - Fic: Fascination
    Fascination by Bluespirit Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: NC-17 Summary: Rodney has a certain fascination. Warning: mild D/s & kink Genre: Established Relationship, PWP Spoilers: none Word count: 1,817
    in unread_yet_sga with dogtags mcshep nc-17
  • synecdochic: FIC: A Long Gold Sliding Into Dawn [1/2]
    A Long Gold Sliding Into Dawn Author: synecdochic Rating: Adult Summary: Rodney breathes out, rough and exasperated. John thinks he might be the only one in the universe who can hear the tenderness contained in Rodney's murmured "you are so fucked in the head". A series of ways in which two people learn how to trust what's not being said. Notes: Once again, this wasn't going to be the next story I wrote. It was also going to be a lot shorter. Thanks to miella for reading the first scene and saying "that's great, now write the rest of it", to chopchica for going through and gushing and then going back with a fine-toothed comb, and to sarahq for waking up when I come to bed and listening to me babble about what I did all night. Website version here, though I
    in unread_yet_sga with mcshep nc-17
  • synecdochic: FIC: SG-1 AU, "Right Ascension"
    Title: Right Ascension Author: synecdochic with tremendous material from ivorygates Summary: Right now, and for the first time in his life, he is so hard that his hair hurts. Notes: For those of you just tuning in, this is the universe in which Cam is and always has been a girl. This follows right after Declination. And now that it's done, I do believe ivorygates has some porn of her own to post ...
    in sg1 with a_synecdochic cammiedaniel nc-17
  • Take it and pass it on. Not for me, not for you, but for someone, somewhere. - Fic, whoa!
    Title: A Gift Author: MF Luder Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Keywords: slash, PWP, kink Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: Nada Disclaimer: They belong to SciFi Channel and various producers. Archive: My LJ, Wraithbait, anywhere else, let me know. Summary: Porn! There is no plot beyond that, I swear. Feedback: Author's Notes: Written for scribblinlenore's Sex Toy Porn-A-Rama. Entirely unbetaed. Did I mention PWP??
    in sga fic with a_mf-luder-xf mcshep nc-17
  • Tell It Like It Is by lamardeuse
    Tell It Like It Is by lamardeuse Rating: NC-17 For Chopchica A/N: Set at some indeterminate time in the near future.
    in sga fic with a_lamardeuse mcshep nc-17
  • The Bead Box - Fic: SGA: Viva Voce, part 2, McKay/Sheppard, FMAO
    Viva Voce, part 2 Author: Beadattitude Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: For Mature Audiences Only Warnings: Explicit sexual situations Genre: Romance, established relationship, schmoop Author's note: Continuation of my Viva Voce and misskatieleigh's lovely comment fic. It helps if you've read that, but it's not necessary. Summary: When John catches the cold, Rodney is in for a bit of a surprise. Unbeta'd. Concrit adored and grammar errors cheerfully corrected when spotted.
    in Public bookmarks with a_beadattitude hurtcomfort mcshep nc-17
  • The Bottom Line
    The Bottom Line Author: Punk E-mail: Category: McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: None of these people are real. This never happened. Summary: This time the angry mob was Rodney's fault. Acknowledgements: For Lenore. She's one of my favorite writers, and I'm lucky enough to share two fandoms with her. I'm also lucky enough to have Ms. Pares' beta and encouragement. Thank you, cupcake.
    in sga fic with a_punk mcshep nc-17
  • The Extremely Smooth Seduction (And Don’t Let Anyone Ever Tell You Otherwise) Of Dr.
    The Extremely Smooth Seduction (And Don’t Let Anyone Ever Tell You Otherwise) Of Dr. Badass Author: Troll PrincessSummary: Jo does not want to be a virgin when she heads off to college, and what good is a best friend if not for a back-up plan?
    in spn fic with ash jo nc-17 winchester-less
  • The Group-W Bench
    The Group-W Bench by Speranza Author's Note: A PWP, more or less. Thanks to Lim and Terri for beta. Oh, and PS--vis a vis the title; if you weren't fortunate enough to grow up with Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant (I'm told that it's an East coast thing), hie thee hither for a listen.
    in sga fic with a_speranza mcshep nc-17

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