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  • sga_santa: Fic: Wrapped in a Red Ribbon (1/3)
    Wrapped in a Red Ribbon (1/3) Author: auburnnothenna Recipient: chase_acow Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, plus a cast of thousands SGA and SG-1 folks. Size: ~23,000 words. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Pinch hit for chase_acow, who asked for: an Earth-based high-rated AU with McKay/Sheppard first time, someone undercover as a slave but not heavy BDSM (whew!) fic with Rodney on top, one of the guys freaking out, a happy ending and a Christmas theme. Well, it's set around Christmas time, and chase_acow, if I'd had even another week to work on this, it would probably have doubled in size and included a lot more sex. I hope it works for you anyway. Betas: Last minute work on this done by mirabile_dictu, lillian13, enname and one who will remain nameless, but is still very m
    in unread_yet_sga with au auburnnothenna mcshep nc-17

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