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  • ladycat777: Fic: When All That's Wrong is Right (PG-13, Jeanie, 1/1)
    Title: When All That's Wrong is Right Fandom: SGA Rating: PG-13 for concepts Characters: Jeanie Miller Spoilers: McKay and Mrs Miller Summary: “He has to do it,” Rod says, clipped and fast and it’s not right that he sounds so much like him. It confuses her and she doesn’t know how to respond. “You can’t let him not do it, okay?” Words: 4200 Disclaimers: not mine, blah blah Feedback and concrit: make my world go round A/N: Betad by the fantabulous grammar_glamour and goddess-like neverneverfic who yanked me up by my bootstraps and made me write what I should've written, and not the crap I came out with first.
    in sga fic with jeanie mcshep post-mrs_millar
  • Life Lessons Learned From Aliens by eleveninches
    Teyla has an accident with an alien device that leads to revelations about the team. Rodney's not too happy about his. McKay/Sheppard, Teyla/?. Spoilers up through and including 3x08 McKay and Mrs Miller. (December 2006) Life Lessons Learned From Aliens by eleveninches
    in sga fic with post-mrs_millar

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