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  • toft_froggy: fic: Fix, John/Rodney, NC-17
    Fix Rating: NC-17 Wordcount: ~7300 (longest PWP evar) Pairing: John/Rodney Summary: John's in a fix. Set some time in S3, no particular spoilers. Basically a long PWP with consent issues (although no actual noncon), angst, fucked-up-ness, and, um, jokes about castration. A/N: I'm kind of ambivalent about it, actually, but I decided I was going to finish it, dammit, and I did, thanks to my wonderful betas wychwood and frostfire_17, who made it a far better story, often in the face of my stubbornness. Quite a few other people helped me along with this in the beginning, most notably amireal, who encouraged/bribed me into writing it in the first place and helped me work out the setup. I'm afraid I don't remember who the others were, although I'm pretty sure the
    in sga fic with angst mcshep nc-17 toft_froggy
  • toft_froggy: Yes, I stayed up until 2am on a wednesday night writing a fifties girls boarding school AU.
    Yes, I stayed up until 2am on a wednesday night writing a fifties girls boarding school AU. This, I would just like to say, is entirely the fault of thingswithwings. She cajoled me. It was not fair. Yes, this is a John/Rodney fifties girls' boarding school genderswap AU. Currently rated PG, but it's totally going to NC-17 in the next part. I have plans. Warning for underageness, but not in Britain, where this is set. ~3700 words
    in sga fic with 50sboardingschoolverse au genderswap mcshep toft_froggy

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