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  • cards_slash: Whiskey and Chocolate*
    Whiskey and Chocolate* Title: Whiskey and Chocolate* Pairing: Spock/McCoy/Kirk Rating: Nc-17 Prompt: Here: Fandom loves Pon Farr stories, right? They've been written for longer than I've been alive. But here's a twist: I want regular Pon Farr. No sudden alien trauma triggers, no unexpected 'oh man how did I forget about this?', no throwing the most friendly/most willing/worst at rock-paper-scissors crew member at Spock and locking the door. Established relationship Pon Farr right on schedule, they're all prepared with plomeek soup and space Gatorade and lube and 48 hours of leave. Also, I will fucking marry you if you make it Kirk/Spock/McCoy (they can swap places and tap out for naps!). *Ya'll be nice and forgive the stuipd title, k?
    in star trek reboot with kirkspockbones

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