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  • Home come the Angels - Fic: Positive Reinforcement (Star Trek)
    Title: Positive Reinforcement Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Kirk/McCoy Warnings: Porn and angst, not necessarily in that order Disclaimer: I own nothing worth suing me for Summary: In hindsight, he should have realised there and then that James Kirk was completely insane. Notes: Written for the Star Trek XI Anon Kink Meme (I am of course posting unanon, because I have no shame). The prompt was for Kirk/McCoy with sex in a shuttlecraft to help distract McCoy from his fear of flying. I'd intended to just write a PWP, but my brain (traitor that it is) was all "wait a minute, wouldn't the academy whose purpose is to train spaceship crews have views about fear of flying?". And it all went downhill from there. Stupid angst-machine brain. Alternate Summary: Jim Kirk: so
    in star trek reboot with kirkbones
  • in a moment close to now
    In a Moment Close To Now Fandom: Star Trek XI Rating: teen/pg-13 Ship: McCoy/Kirk (with background Kirk/Carol Marcus) Summary: Bones plans on spending his thirtieth birthday alone with his jazz, his bourbon, and a book. Jim Kirk does not approve of this plan. A/N: So many thank yous to [info]r_becca: she makes everything, including this fic, better. 3,750 words. Set at the Academy. The title is from Neko Case's "This Tornado Loves You," which is a very McKirk song, IMO. ETA: Sequel: Heading Straight For A Fall.
    in star trek reboot with kirkbones
  • Miss Cellaneous - Post a comment
    Title: Nothing in Life is Set in Stone Fandom: Star Trek XI (Reboot) Pairing: Kirk/Girl!McCoy Word count: 5,000 Rating: hard R Summary: "Bones. I can honestly say I didn't expect this. You. You like this."
    in star trek reboot with genderswap kirkbones
  • My Maserati Does 185
    Title: The One With the Romulan Ale Series: 1st in the Fools Rush In series Author: [info]dancinbutterfly Pairing: Kirk/McCoy Rating: NC-17 Word count: roughly 6,200 words Disclaimer: They dont belong to me.The were envisioned many decades before my birth so I'm just happy to play with them. Beta: Thanks to the lovely and talented [info]guest_age and [info]ariadne83 Summary: What better way to celebrate the end of your first year at the Starfleet Academy than with a trip to Las Vegas? Lose some money, get a little drunk, get a little impulsive. Too bad what happens there doesnt always stay there. Written for [info]comically_so's awesome prompt over at [info]affectingly's McCoy-A-Thon.
    in star trek reboot with kirkbones

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