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  • sga_flashfic: The Sweetest Thing, by Corinna (Cake or Death Challenge)
    The Sweetest Thing Author: corinna_5 Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: Adult Spoilers: AU. Seriously AU. No spoilers except for ongoing Brooklyn gentrification and at least one New York restaurant menu. 4000 words Summary: "I am not getting back on train to Chelsea without a brownie."
    with au cake_or_death mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: The Thought That Counts by kassrachel
    The Thought That Counts Author: kassrachel Rating: adult Pairing: John/Rodney Spoilers: none specifically 7,224 words
    with mcshep strange_worlds
  • sga_flashfic: The Twenty Year Thaw by denynothing1, Part 1/2
    The Twenty Year Thaw Author: denynothing1 Rating: On the soft side of explicit. AU, McKay/Sheppard Word count: 17,500 I fail at flashfic. AN: Seriously fluffy crack herein. Or cracked-out fluff. I can't decide. Thanks to haphazardmethod and cofax7 for beta. As my ski bunny, beta, I absolve cofax of all skiing/snowboarding errors. She did her best to keep me honest, but I still left in some bits I made up to serve the story.
    with a_denynothing1 au mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: Title: Stained Glass Window (wordless ch
    Stained Glass Window (wordless challenge) Author: keefaq Rating: G Warning: Major character death Word Count: ~2000 Pairing:McKay/Sheppard Disclaimer:I protest the notion that universal archetypes can be owned or controlled.
    with mcshep sad written_by_the_victors
  • sga_flashfic: To Be Where Needed (Doppelganger Challenge)
    To Be Where Needed Author: beth_green Characters: John & Rodney Rating: PG, for language Spoilers: None Word Count: 2632
    with mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: Triptych by Mad Maudlin (Dopplegangers Challenge)
    Triptych Author: Mad Maudlin Rating: PG-13 Word count: 4,800 Characters: John, Rodney, various Spoilers: End of Season 1 through "The Intruder" (SGA) and "Moebius" (SG-1). Actually, "Moebius" is kind of important. Summary: "They actually created this universe the moment they activated the time-travel device, and so their actions in the past were always part of our timeline. If they had tried to return to this present, they'd have run into their own doubles who never traveled back, and, well, that would be terribly awkward, wouldn't it?"
    with gen
  • sga_flashfic: Twelve Days' Breath [Not Dead Yet Challenge] by Chandri MacLeod
    Twelve Days' Breath Author: Chandri MacLeod Pairing: McKay/Sheppard established relationship Characters: mainly The Team Spoilers: None in particular. Perhaps some very general ones for S4. Word Count: Uh... 3,580. Oops?
    with a_chandri mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: Watch the Sun Sink Like a Stone by telesilla (Ways to Die Challenge)
    Watch the Sun Sink Like a Stone Author: telesilla Fandom/Pairing: SGA, John/Rodney Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 2,900 Disclaimer: The SGA characters do not belong to me. Duh. Summary: "Tell them that I missed him every single day and night after that, but that I never regretted any of it."
    with mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: Within Arm's Reach (This is not happening challenge)
    Within Arm's Reach (This is not happening challenge) Author: linaerys Title: Within Arm's Reach Rating: R for sex Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Word Count: ~3400 Summary: Humor and practical particle physics. For the “this is not happening” challenge. Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, nor to I derive any profit from them. A/N: My beta, [info]lilithilien, rocks my socks. All remaining mistakes are my own. Spoilers: None Feedback: Positive or negative, is always appreciated.
    with a_linaerys mcshep
  • sga_flashfic: Yawning Angel, by slybrarian (Backstory Challenge)
    Yawning Angel (Backstory Challenge) Author: slybrarian Rating: R Pairing: Gen Author's note: Thanks to archae_ology for proofreading.
    with backstory gen
  • sga_genficathon: AU, Week 3: For of All Sad Words of Tongue or Pen
    For of All Sad Words of Tongue or Pen Author: [info]derry667 Genre: AU (canon!AU) Prompt: Endings and beginnings Word Count: 3500 Rating: PG Spoilers: Some vaguer than others. SGA episodes: The Defiant One, Before I Sleep, The Brotherhood, The Siege, Runner, Aurora, McKay and Mrs Miller, Sunday, Lifeline, This Mortal Coil, Outcast, The Kindred and The Last Man. SG-1 episodes: Moebius, Ripple Effect and The Road Not Taken. Characters: Rodney McKay (mainly, but others play their part) Summary: Six endings and/or beginnings that Rodney McKay did or didn't experience - depending on which universe you are from. Additional Notes and Warnings: Character deaths (mostly canon, some "fixable"). Some canon pairings are mentioned, but they are not the focus of the fic.
    with a_derry667 au mcshep
  • sga_rps: Fic: All About Joe by bluejbird (David/Jason)
    All About Joe Author: bluejbird Fandom: SGA RPS Pairing: David/Jason (also UST/unrequited David/Joe and Jason/Joe) Rating: R Summary: David is jealous that Jason gets to get sweaty with Joe so often A/N: For klo_the_hobbit’s sweaty quest challenge thing. Unbetaed.
    with jasondavid joedavid
  • sga_santa: Fic: Crash (McKay/Sheppard)
    Crash Author: busaikko Rating: Um. PG. Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Summary: Any landing you walk away from is a good one Pinch hit for kassrachel
    with a_busaikko mcshep
  • sga_santa: Fic: Disarmed and Unbalanced (McKay/Sheppard)
    Disarmed and Unbalanced Author: Santa Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: R Recipient: hyperfocused Spoilers: Everything up to and including 4x03 "Reunion" Summary: The last time John saw Rodney, Rodney was dead. Author's Note: Despite the summary, this isn't a death!fic. Thanks to raiining for her help with the medical stuff. Everything that's wrong I messed up myself. Also thanks to my beta-readers – you know who you are. Happy holidays, hyperfocused (and everyone else)!
    with mcshep
  • sga_santa: Fic: Mistletoe (McKay/Sheppard)
    Mistletoe Author: Santa Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, with bits of others including Lorne/Zelenka Rating: PG Recipient: reulann Spoilers: None Summary: Ronon + mistletoe = silliness and kisses Author's Note: Many thanks to my last-minute beta reader, M., and to the mods for letting me (and all of us) play -- this was kinda fun!
    with mcshep
  • sga_santa: Fic: Six Months (McKay/Sheppard)
    Six Months Author: callmerizzo Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: Adult Recipient: zafra Spoilers: General Season 2 (set during and after "Epiphany") Summary: John has another life to learn to put aside now. Author's Note: Written for zafra, who asked for McShep. Not *quite* NC-17, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Happy holidays!
    with a_callmerizzo mcshep
  • sga_santa: Fic: The Cat Is an Existentialist (McKay/Sheppard)
    The Cat Is an Existentialist Author: Santa Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG/PG13 Recipient: the_cephalopod Spoilers: takes place after 4.09 "Miller's Crossing" with references to that Summary: One person's bickering is another person's civil war. Author's Note: For the_cephalopod, who wanted McKay/Sheppard first time, with a bit of angst and a happy ending. I hope this is okay! :)
    with mcshep
  • sga_santa: Fic: Wrapped in a Red Ribbon (1/3)
    Wrapped in a Red Ribbon (1/3) Author: auburnnothenna Recipient: chase_acow Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, plus a cast of thousands SGA and SG-1 folks. Size: ~23,000 words. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Pinch hit for chase_acow, who asked for: an Earth-based high-rated AU with McKay/Sheppard first time, someone undercover as a slave but not heavy BDSM (whew!) fic with Rodney on top, one of the guys freaking out, a happy ending and a Christmas theme. Well, it's set around Christmas time, and chase_acow, if I'd had even another week to work on this, it would probably have doubled in size and included a lot more sex. I hope it works for you anyway. Betas: Last minute work on this done by mirabile_dictu, lillian13, enname and one who will remain nameless, but is still very m
    with au auburnnothenna mcshep nc-17
  • shaenie: SGA fic: Indelible pt 1
    Title: Indelible (1) Author: [info]shaenie Rating: NC17 Posting Note: This is not a WIP. It's complete, and has been through 2 betas, but I'm still working on coding and the last tweaks from the 3rd beta. It will be updated daily until it's all posted (about a week?). Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Spoilers: This is sort of complicated. This takes place vaguely mid season three, before The Return. It's more or less canon up to that point, and veers off after into AU territory. Length: Oh. My. God. Summary: So, you know what? I spent about half an hour trying to summarize this fic, and either I suck, or it's freaking impossible. A whole huge pile of stuff happens.
    with a_shaenie mcshep nc-17
  • sheafrotherdon: Drabblets!
    Drabblets! The first three 'un-rust me!' fics:
    with mcshep snippets

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