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  • siegeofangels: [fic] We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Crisis (SGA, R)
    We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Crisis RATING: R SUMMARY: This is a story about sex and power. And, um, monkeys and PowerPoint. (And love.) McKay/Sheppard, ~8100 words. Follows from High As Heaven. NOTE: So many thanks to 2am_optimism, cincodemaygirl, etben, jettdelirium, melannen, stellar_dust, and up_from_ashes. I don't know how any of them are so awesome.
    with mcshep
  • siegeofangels: Fic: High as Heaven [SGA]
    High as Heaven Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Atlantis/Rodney. Yes, like that. Summary: Sex. Love. ~850 words. Rating: Adult, see above re: sex.
    with mcshep nc-17
  • siegeofangels: SGA fic: If you want to kiss the sky, R
    If you want to kiss the sky R, John/Various, ~8400 words AU Warning: John fucks a lot of people, willingly but not necessarily happily. Warning: kind of meta.
    with a_siegeofangels mcshep
  • slashfest: SG:A: No Parachute (McKay/Sheppard)
    No Parachute Author/Artist: HF/aesc Requestor: darkhavens Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG/PG13 Wordcount: c. 4,000 Warnings: Angst? Summary: "'Always bickering,' Old Elizabeth sighs, but she doesn’t sound annoyed. Sort of... a fond exasperation, a warmth Rodney hadn’t expected." Disclaimer: So not mine! A/N: Written for darkhavens, who requested "A missing scene from Before I Sleep, where old!Elizabeth talks to John and Rodney and they realise that in her reality they were together before they ever stepped through the Stargate. Can be either established relationship or the beginning of something beautiful." I, uh, really hope you like it. *flails anxiously*
    with mcshep
  • slodwick: SGA FIC - The Nowhere Dance
    Word Count: ~ 9100 Notes: Written for alizarin_nyc, for the apocalyptothon challenge. Many thanks to celli & scrunchy for... well, everything. Boy, did this one get away from me. Any remaining fuck-ups are my own. This story was originally inspired by (Nothing But) Flowers by Talking Heads. Prompt: The Atlantis expedition returns to a devastated earth to see if there's anyone to save. (You pick the method/villain responsible for earth's downfall.) Most importantly, Atlantis folks learn a lot about themselves, each other and what/who they left behind.
    with gen
  • Snuff Leupagus - Yeah, I should've done this a week or so ago.
    An Unorthodox Solution for Boredom Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG Spoilers: General for season 3, none for season 4 Summary: A couple of weeks ago Rodney fell into a ditch on PC9-138, and nobody realized he was gone for about five minutes. John still feels kind of bad about that – also faintly surprised, because he probably should’ve noticed when Rodney had suddenly stopped talking.
    with a_leupagus mcshep
  • Something To Say - Wait, What's This? Tora Wrote Fic?
    Not Exactly a Hardship Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: PG-13 Words: 1800
    with a_torakowalski mcshep
  • Sometimes You Get Toasters
    Sometimes You Get Toasters by Giddy
    with giddy mcshep
  • star_language: SGA fic: Red Shirt
    Red Shirt Author: [info]winkingstar Rating: PG13 Pairing: John/Rodney Summary: Rodney wears a red shirt. Wordcount: ~2,900 Spoilers: Nothing specific. Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis is not mine, I'm not making any money off this, and I am but a poor starving grad student anyway. Notes: For the fabulous and courageous [info]propinquitine, who braved the perils of Internet Explorer for me. Here's the Wikipedia article for "redshirt" for those who did not grow up on Star Trek.
    with a_star-language mcshep
  • Stargate Atlantis Fanfic: The Light of a Fading Sun
    The Light of a Fading Sun Season/spoilers: Spoilers through Season Three's "Sunday". HUGE SPOILERS for that episode, and pretty damn big ones for several others. Rating: strong T/PG-13 (language, violence) Genre: Action/adventure, h/c Disclaimer: These guys belong to MGM. I only play with them. Author's Note: This story is somewhat darker and heavier than what I normally write. Just so you know. But if you've read my other stories, you also know how much I love writing friendship ... so keep that in mind, too.
    with gen
  • Stargate Atlantis, Care in the Holding
    Care in the Holding - posted November 7, 2005 Author: Lacey McBain Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Rating: R. McKay/Sheppard Summary: Everything comes down to the weight of a gun in his hand. Spoilers: Through Seige III. Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis (including all characters and images) is the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. No copyright infringement is intended. Author Notes: Clearly the gun-handling in this isn't always 100% regulation. although I've tried to make the descriptions as accurate as possible. I've omitted hearing protectors for the main reason that they're not sexy, so let's assume Atlantis loves John enough to deaden the sound a bit in the room, or you can picture everyone in hearing p
    with mcshep
  • Starshine Dreams - Fic: Fascination
    Fascination by Bluespirit Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Pairing: Sheppard/McKay Rating: NC-17 Summary: Rodney has a certain fascination. Warning: mild D/s & kink Genre: Established Relationship, PWP Spoilers: none Word count: 1,817
    with dogtags mcshep nc-17
  • Summerland (Portrait Of The Man As A Boy)
    with a_m mcshep your_cowboy_days_are_over
  • synecdochic: FIC: A Long Gold Sliding Into Dawn [1/2]
    A Long Gold Sliding Into Dawn Author: synecdochic Rating: Adult Summary: Rodney breathes out, rough and exasperated. John thinks he might be the only one in the universe who can hear the tenderness contained in Rodney's murmured "you are so fucked in the head". A series of ways in which two people learn how to trust what's not being said. Notes: Once again, this wasn't going to be the next story I wrote. It was also going to be a lot shorter. Thanks to miella for reading the first scene and saying "that's great, now write the rest of it", to chopchica for going through and gushing and then going back with a fine-toothed comb, and to sarahq for waking up when I come to bed and listening to me babble about what I did all night. Website version here, though I
    with mcshep nc-17
  • synecdochic: FICLET: The Beauty of Flight
    The Beauty of Flight I've flown something insane like six times in the past three months. Every time I have, it has reminded me that the worst patient is another doctor. At least, that's my only excuse for this. Our plane takes off in under five hours. I'd say "hope that none of this happens to us", except I have never had an airport experience where at least half of this hasn't happened to me, so I think there's not much hope. At least we're not going through Louisville (edit: I totally meant Kansas City, though Louisville is not all that hot either) this time. Which is the only airport in this country I hate more than I hate Sky Harbor.
    with mcshep
  • synecdochic: SGA: Nondisclosure Agreement
    Nondisclosure Agreement Author: synecdochic Summary: John Sheppard has a don't ask, don't tell policy with the inside of his head. Spoilers: Not really. Pairing: John and his brain. And a little of that McKay guy, too. Notes: I was trying to write John for another story, and I couldn't get a grip on him, so I wrote this instead: twenty-five things John doesn't ever talk about. Website version can be found here, though I haven't quite put together an SGA page yet. Thanks to miella for ideas, chopchica for beta, and sarahq, because.
    with john mcshep
  • tales of an unreal city - Fic for suzy_queue: Looking for Lamour
    Looking for Lamour Rating: PG Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Length: ~5600 words (or trinityofone utterly fails to understand the concept of "ficlet") Summary: suzy_queue asked for a road trip: “Don’t be silly,” John says. “You’re Bob and I’m Bing; now get in the car and let’s go find ourselves a Dorothy.”
    with mcshep
  • Temaris' SGA fiction: Red Flowers
    Red Flowers
    with a_temaris mcshep
  • The Bead Box - Fic: Wrath Has Left Its Scar, M/S, Part 1
    Wrath Has Left Its Scar Author: Beadattitude Pairing: McShep. Current chapter heavily pre-slash Spoilers: Through Common Ground Warnings: References to torture via Wraith, angst, post-traumatic shock Disclaimer: I wish I'd thought these guys up. I'm just playing with them, and intend no gain from their use. Feedback: To read is a gracious thing, to feedback is a gift of generocity and grace. And it's awesome. Unbeta'd. I know, I know. I will need a beta/handholder for the next bit, though. It's why I started this story months ago, wrote thirty pages and then walked away. Somehow all the betas I've sent it to have never sent it back. I hope it's not eating them or causing them to die of grief. that would be bad. Anybody game?
    with mcshep
  • The heart of darkness; only lighter - It's Blowjob Friday! Do you know where your blowjobs are?
    It's Blowjob Friday! Do you know where your blowjobs are?
    with b_j_friday mcshep

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