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  • - Now The People Will Know We Were Here by Chandri MacLeod
    Now The People Will Know We Were Here Or: Everything I Know, I Learned From Heritage Minutes by Chandri MacLeod Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Rating: PG Pairing(s): John/Rodney Categories: slash, humour, hurt/comfort, team, fluff, CRACK galore Warnings: none Spoilers: probably pretty much everything Summary: Team Sheppard goes to the Olympics. Disclaimer: They're not mine, alas. I'm just using them for fun. Author’s Note: Written for McShep Happyfest 2008. Betaed by artemisiabrisol and calantha42, who are entirely to blame for this phenomenally self-indulgent crackpile. Also betaed by mik100; last-minute critique provided by Daroos.
    in sga fic with a_chandri mcshep team
  • sga_flashfic: Twelve Days' Breath [Not Dead Yet Challenge] by Chandri MacLeod
    Twelve Days' Breath Author: Chandri MacLeod Pairing: McKay/Sheppard established relationship Characters: mainly The Team Spoilers: None in particular. Perhaps some very general ones for S4. Word Count: Uh... 3,580. Oops?
    in unread_yet_sga with a_chandri mcshep

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