- DisabilityInfo.gov (government website)
DisabilityInfo.gov provides quick and easy access to comprehensive information about disability programs, services, laws and benefits. To find disability resources in your state just click on the Find State and Local Resources map.
with disabilities by 3 users
- Dissolving a Nonprofit (article) - LINC Ohio
This section gives examples of proper steps to follow when ending a nonprofit corporation.
with linc_ohio management_resources ohio
- Do Something (website)
Do Something is a national network of young people who know they can make a difference in their communities and take action to change the world around them.
with do_something kids_and_teens voluntarism by 7 users
- Donor Management Software Has More Than One Use (pdf article) - Nonprofit Times
Explains that donor management software can serve other purposes such as tracking volunteers, merchandise sales, or event registrations (2004).
with nonprofit_times technologysoftware
- Donor Toolkit (website) - The Cleveland Foundation
The Donor Toolkit includes the Cleveland Foundation donor notebook, Donor bill of rights, Grant recommendation form, Glossary of terms used in philanthropy, Guidelines for establishing a fund, Philanthropy websites
with cleveland_foundation donor_toolkit glossaries planned_giving samples_and_templates
- Donors Forum (website) - Grantseekers Toolbox
Explore a toolkit for grantseekers designed to help you navigate the funding process from the Donors Forum of Chicago.
with corporate_sponsorship donors_forum grantseekers_toolbox in-kind_contributions special_events_fundraising
- DonorsChoose.org (website) - Teachers Ask. You Choose. Students Learn.
DonorsChoose.org is dedicated to addressing the scarcity and inequitable distribution of learning materials and experiences in our public schools.
with donorschoose in-kind_contributions individual_giving scholarships by 5 users
- Dow Jones Newspaper Fund (website) – The Journalist's Road to Success
A directory listing journalism schools, jobs, internships, scholarships, and fellowships.
with journalists
- eBase (website) - Community relationship management software for nonprofit organizations
Ebase, a free fundraising management software package, is available for download from the Internet.
with technologysoftware
- Economic Research Institute 990 Finder (web database)
Data is retrieved from ERI Economic Research Institute's Library of 2,000,000 Form 990, 990PF, and 990EZ reports.
with 990s economic_research_institute
- Education & Career Development (website) - Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)
The Association of Fundraising Professionals' (AFP) Education & Career Development page lists professional advancement programs and courses.
with afp proposal_writing
- EduPASS (website) - Resource for Non-US Students Studying in the US
EduPass: The Smart Student Guide to Studying in the USA which is designed especially for non-U.S. students.
eduPASS, The SmartStudent Guide toStudying in the USA, provides comprehensive and free information abouteverything an international student needs to know about studying andliving in the United States, from college admissions and financial aidto clothing sizes and culture shock.
america edupass efl english esl foreign international kantrowitz lan second smartstudent states students study united usa usia
with edupass international scholarships
- Elements of a Grant Proposal (article)
Elements of a Grant Proposal comes from The Center for Nonprofit Management in Los Angeles.
with proposal_writing
- Emerging Issues Glossary
From the Council on Foundations.
with council_on_foundations emerging_issues_glossary glossaries
- Energy / Heating Assistance Funds (website) - Michigan State University Libraries
Collection of websites related to funding assistance for energy/heating needs.
with housing michigan_state personal_needs
- eNonprofit Benchmarks Study (pdf article) - Measuring Email Messaging, Online Fundraising, and Internet Advocacy Metrics
Data from 15 nonprofit organizations provided the core statistics that the researchers used to analyze activities in online fundraising, e-mail communication, and online advocacy (2005).
with marketing online_fundraising technologysoftware
- Entertainment philanthropy (website) - Hollywood Reporter
HollywoodReporter.com's Entertainment Philanthropy page contains listings of nonprofit organizations with celebrity industry supporters, both corporate and individual.
with celebrity_giving hollywood_reporter
- Entrepreneur' s Guide (website) - Kauffman Foundation
The Kauffman Foundation's EntreWorld provides resources covering many topics of interest to entrepreneurs, including starting and growing a business, and supporting entrepreneurship.
with businesses
- Entrepreneurship: A Flexible Route to Economic Independence for People with Disabilities (article)
From the Bureau of Labor: Entrepreneurship: A Flexible Route to Economic Independence for People with Disabilities
with businesses disabilities
- Environment Funding Sources (web directory) - Michigan State University Libraries
A compilation of web pages and books of potential interest to nonprofit organizations seeking funding opportunities related to the environment.
with environment michigan_state
Bookmarks 81 - 100
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