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  • Introducing - One Stop Shop For Quality eBooks At Slashed Prices -- Ebooks Cheaper | PRLog
    Ebooks Cheaper today announced the launch of its new eBook retail platform. The store is nicely laid out and designed for browsing and discovery. Enter a whole new universe of options for children and inspire a love of reading. The new website now gives the ability to enjoy eBooks using a wide range of technologies. The company hopes to differentiate itself by reducing the time required for a customer purchase and offering an extensive inventory of titles in multiple, secure formats. Source:
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  • Leadership Advocacy For Early Childhood Education
    Early childhood development and education has been a major topic of discussion and planning at all levels—federal, state, and local communities — not only because of the widespread recognition of the research base on the importance of early development to long-term schooling success, but as a critical national investment strategy for the future of the nation in the 21st Century global economy. Source:
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  • Learning And Teaching Are Social In Nature And Begins In Infancy
    Assumptions/Givens About Human Nature: - Human beings are innately curious with a desire to know the environment in which they live. They show this curiosity throughout their lives and therefore they are life-long learners. - Human beings are innately social and learn how to operate in social settings during their infancy. Source:
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  • Linguistic And Communicative Rules
    We learned that native speakers have an implicit knowledge of grammar and that children acquire this without realizing it. I commented, however, that a language teacher needs to be able to describe grammatical rules, and in Unit 2 you noted some grammatical differences between spoken and written English. Unit 3 will introduce further grammar concepts and you will have the chance to assess your own explicit knowledge. Source:
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  • Links to over 1,000 American Colleges and Universities
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  • List of 5,000 Educational and Better Thinking Tools
    "The teacher's problem is that of inducing a vital and personal experiencing." -John Dewey, The Child and the Curriculum For teachers of composition, Dewey's "problem" is ultimately one of relevance. Our students are growing up in a markedly different world from that of our own adolescences. Much that we accepted as permanent has become obsolete. Today's learning platforms are not actually learner centric. Source:
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  • Local School-To-Work Partnerships
    The School-to-Work (STW) partnership model is based on the idea that there are significant economies of scale in the provision of STW programming and therefore that groups of districts working together on relatively large projects will accomplish more than single districts working by themselves on smaller projects. Source:
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  • Low Tuition Is in Very Deep Trouble -
    Equality of higher education opportunity is in very deep trouble in the United States today. Higher education opportunity is moving backward for those from the bottom quartile of family income, for African Americans, and for most Hispanics. Source:
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  • Making Decisions That Influence Higher Education
    A system by definition is a collection of subsystems that takes one or more kinds of inputs and creates an output that has value to the larger system of which it is in turn a part. For purposes of this study, we defined a higher education system to include the public and private postsecondary institutions within a state as well as the arrangements for regulating, coordinating and funding them. We considered any institution or collection of institutions overseen by a governing board as a subsystem. Source:
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  • Making Your Implicit Knowledge Explicit And Specific Features Of Spoken English
    The word revolution has often been used in connection with the arrival of the new theory of language. However, we now need to look beyond how babies acquire the mechanics of a language in order to understand language use. So, it is to language in action that we turn in this unit, and, in particular, the nature of conversational English and written English. What is spoken English like? Conversation is the most commonly used kind of English. Source:
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  • Monitoring The Status Of Students' Journey Towards Science And Mathematics Literacy
    A major focus of the current mathematics and science education reforms is on developing "literacy;" that is, helping students to understand and use the languages and ideas of mathematics and science in reasoning, communicating, and solving problems. In many ways, these standards documents are far more voluminous and complex than any scope and sequence in place in school systems today. But these documents are meant to be used as frameworks which provide guidance in education reform - they are not the definitive sources articulating to teachers how education reform must occur in their classrooms. Source:
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  • More Students Can Gain Access To College Education -
    The amount of time and effort students and parents put into planning, and how early they get started, are important factors in achieving access to postsecondary education. Schools play a key role in making planning resources, information and opportunities available and accessible. Educators believe that students should start post-high school planning in ninth grade or even earlier, but relatively few students report starting earlier than 10th grade. Young adults who did not continue their education after high school were more likely than others to say they wished they had started planning earlier, and were also more likely to report that they would do something different if they could start over again. Most reported that they would go to college. Among the
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  • New Educational Opportunities For Our Children
    Growing awareness that the current U.S. K-12 education system is producing woeful results and that incrementalist strategies for reforming it (smaller classes, added graduation requirements, etc.) haven’t made much difference. Bolder alternatives – including some that overturn yesterday’s axioms and power relationships – are now thinkable. Source:
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  • New Models Of Teaching And Learning -
    While parents and communities stress the importance of students having access to technology, it is a mistake to focus primarily on students. For the educational enterprise to adapt appropriately to our new world, we must invest in training teachers to integrate technology into the curriculum. Source:
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  • New School Reform and Community Development -
    Parents and community members now sit on site-based decision-making committees that determine curricular materials, budgetary expenditures, staffing, building usage and scheduling, discipline procedures, professional development for staff, school programs, and technology utilization. This public involvement has led to fundamental changes within the school community. As leaders for change, we have learned that revamping systems, policies, and structures invigorates the community and encourages change in practice at the school level. In addition, our responsive learning culture attracts and develops new parent and community leaders who can carry on the work of articulating and leading change processes. Our hope for continuing improvement in student achievemen
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  • Obstacles for Special Education Teachers
    With the word “accountability” on every teacher’s and parent’s lips these days, one controversial tool that’s emerging is state mandated proficiency exams. Statewide assessments become truly ‘high stakes’ when school quality, teacher competence, and individual student capability are judged by their results. Source:
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  • Opportunities For Students to Review Curricular Content and to Develop Cooperative Learning Skills
    When teachers initially attempt to redesign block-of-time lessons, they frequently ask about the format of a typical lesson. Numerous creative instructional approaches are possible within longer time frames; therefore, teachers should be cautious about relying too heavily on familiar daily instructional routines. Source:
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  • Overcoming Adversities For Children And Youth At Risk Of Educational Failure -
    The primary goal of the present study is to examine the impact of the changing macroecological characteristics of cities on school performance, and to draw from the research base and from innovative developments on what can be done to make a significant difference in reducing the achievement gap among urban students from minority backgrounds. Source:
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  • Parental Practices Are Better Predictors Of Student Achievement
    Forty years of research have shown that family involvement in education is one of the most powerful predictors of student success in school. Yet many high-poverty schools still have low levels of parent involvement and experience little success in their efforts to increase it. Students from high-poverty families are also less likely to spend time at home on learning-related activities that reinforce their schoolwork. Federal Support for Parent Involvement To address the less-than-optimal level of parent involvement, especially in high-poverty schools, federal legislation designed to support systemic and comprehensive reform efforts has included parent involvement strategies as a mechanism to increase the achievement of all students. Many states and district
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  • Patriotism and Schools After September 11
    September 11 has created an environment ripe for teaching the fundamentals of constitutional government, democracy, and the U.S. role in promoting (or sometimes inhibiting) the spread of such values. What common goals and ideals do we have - and are they worth defending? What similar challenges have we faced in our history and how did we respond to them? What are the responsibilities of government in times of crisis? Source:
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