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  • Good Judgement And Shared Commitment To Long-range Educational Objectives
    College and university leaders may recognize that realistic solutions will require an end to "business as usual," and may be reluctant to explore options that will be painful and disruptive on campus. And yet, the growing numbers of young people wanting and needing higher education are (and will be) there, and it is foolish to think that denial is an effective long-run strategy. Source:
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  • Grade Retention Is A Response To Academic Problems
    Years after being retained, students have significantly lower achievement than similar students who were not retained. Many retained students never catch up to their promoted same-age peers with similarly low test scores. Whatever performance advantage retained students have over their younger, same grade peers is short-lived, as they typically fall behind these students after one or two years. Source:
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  • Grammar Translation, The Direct Method and Bilingual Skills
    The future aims of learners of English vary widely. For some they may be clearly defined. They may want to study in an English-speaking environment, or to keep up to date with what's in the English-speaking press, or to get by on holiday in an English-speaking country, or to conduct business meetings in English. These aims don't necessarily involve a deep-seated interest in English-speaking people and their culture, though that may develop. Source:
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  • Harvard Business Review Magazine Subscription for Professors and Students
    Harvard Business Review (HBR) is a general management magazine published by Harvard Business Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Harvard University. HBR is published six times a year and is headquartered in Brighton, Massachusetts. HBR’ covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to various industries, management functions, and geographic locations. These include leadership, negotiation, strategy, operations, marketing, and finance. Source:
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  • Healthy Communities Must Have Healthy Schools
    Healthy schools and healthy communities depend on and nourish each other. Healthy schools aren’t sustainable if their surrounding communities are in peril. Healthy communities can’t exist for long if they fail to nurture productive, committed, engaged, aware, and resourceful citizens for the future. Source:
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  • Help Amplify The Number Of College Bound Students
    This paper reports findings from ongoing research partnerships with inclusive classrooms and with selective and competitive outreach programs that seek to bridge school, college, and college-based occupations for Latino and other underrepresented youth. Source:
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  • Help New Teachers Establish Themselves Professionally
    The involvement of higher education institutions in induction is less prevalent than it should be, given the promise these partnerships offer for improving teacher preparation by redefining the boundaries between college and K-12 classrooms. Sadly, the scarcity of this type of collaboration is a missed opportunity to provide new teachers a link between their pre-service and in-service teacher development and a missed opportunity for college faculty and school-based personnel to benefit from one another’s expertise, open lines of communication, collaborate on projects, share facilities, and benefit in myriad ways. Source:
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  • High School Grades Are An Important Measure Of The Achievement Of Students -
    High school grades are an important and widely used measure of the achievement of students in secondary education. As such, they are important to the admissions decisions of selective admissions colleges. They are also important to financial aid decisions in those institutions that practice preferential aid packaging – those colleges that offer more grant aid…
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  • High Schools Have Increasingly Become College Preparatory Institutions
    The American high school has been a remarkably resilient institution, maintaining its basic structure even as its mission and the world around it have experienced dramatic transformations. One hundred years ago, only about 10 percent of adolescents enrolled in high school, which served then as a direct pathway to improved social and economic standing. In the succeeding decades, as states enacted compulsory attendance laws, the proportion of students enrolled in high schools grew. Source:
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  • Higher Education Governance
    Federal systems have the capability of linking institutions, however configured for governing purposes, to each other and to state government through four central work processes: information management, program planning, budgeting, and articulation. These work processes are managed by a statewide agency with enough support and delegated authority to compel institutional attention to state priorities. Source:
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  • How Compatible Is Urban School Reform With The Neighborhood Revitalization? -
    How compatible is urban school reform with the neighborhood revitalization thrust, and how can revitalization efforts in urban communities support the work of the public school? Three perspectives frame the movement toward coordinated children’s services: a new sense of “ecology” that school, family, and community are vitally interdependent. Source:
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  • Identifying District Policy Aimed At Upgrading Math And Science Curriculum
    The following discussion is based on a study of curriculum upgrading by states, districts, and schools in response to these calls for reform. We have studied a relatively specific school output: the nature and quality of the mathematics and science curriculum as offered by teachers and experienced by students. Source:
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  • Important Considerations In Choosing Reading Materials
    The most important considerations in choosing reading materials are: reading level, readability, content, cost, and number of pages per week. Read all material you assign your students, to judge relevance and identify potential problems of interpretation or elements of controversy. Source:
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  • Improved Student Learning and Strengthened Communities
    The new Project on Education is a collaborative action research project to examine and make a case for the roles and results of community organizing in reforming schools, improving student achievement, and revitalizing communities. We used collaborative inquiry processes to bring parents, community members, educators and students together to examine and reflect on their efforts and has conducted both local and national studies on parent and community participation in school reform. Source:
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  • Improving Access To Postsecondary Education
    An array of family, school and community characteristics clearly work together in shaping students’ access to postsecondary education. Our research identified a number of factors, many of them interrelated, that act as barriers to students continuing their education after high school. Jeff C. Palmer is a teacher, success coach, trainer, Certified Master of Web Copywriting and founder of Jeff is a prolific writer, Senior Research Associate and Infopreneur having written many eBooks, articles and special reports. Source:
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  • Improving Education In School And Pursuing The New Educational Standards
    There are many current stimulators of educational improvement and represent multi-year efforts to define new standards, not just for subject matter content but also for teaching, assessment, and programs. Using a large-scale consensus process, new documents are reviewed extensively by constituent groups and acquired substantial “ownership” as a result. These documents and influential predecessors have much in common. They call for substantive education for all students (not just the academically elite), delineate the major content themes for the curriculum, and set new expectations for assessment, teaching, and student learning. Source:
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  • Improving The Quality Of Teaching In America
    At a time when Americans view improving the quality of education as the most pressing issue confronting the nation, an overwhelming majority of the public considers improving the quality of teaching as the most important way to improve public education. A landmark national opinion poll shows the public strongly believes not only that quality teaching is the basic building block of better schools, but also that better teachers are the key to the American dream, particularly for the nation's most disadvantaged students. Source:
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  • Increase Student Achievement Through Building Sustainable Professional Development Structures
    We use the following question to develop a laser-like focus on our work: To what extent would our coaching work exist next year if we were not there to support it? We believe this question helped us to work smarter, and with a sense of urgency that was not there for my prior coaching experiences. Source:
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  • Increase The Professional Learning Community To Impact Student Learning
    In order to understand what and why the Professional Learning Community (PLC) focus will be, it is important to go through a process in order to understand the logic models, premises, or assumptions embedded in the focus. The PLC may ask itself: How are context, environment, and culture different from how things are now? What will we do to implement what we learn in our PLC? Source:
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  • Influencing The Quality Of Education
    Do we really believe that every child can succeed? How does the view that a child's potential is limited affect our ability to reach that child and inhibit his growth and academic success? The largely unexplored, and in some cases erroneous, beliefs held by many mainstream educators have resulted in ineffective and even damaging educational practice. Source:
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