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  • A College Education Has Become An Essential Part Of The American Dream
    A college education has become an essential part of the American Dream for millions of families. Indeed, extensive polling and focus group research conducted by our coalition of higher education associations in the last year clearly demonstrates that the public overwhelmingly believes higher education is vitally important for personal success. Furthermore, they believe that all children should have the chance to attend postsecondary education and, despite the high price, that college is a "good value" for the money. Source:
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  • A College Education Is A Sound Investment
    Americans believe a college education is worth the money, but they don’t believe college is affordable and don’t know where to go to get reliable information about financial aid, according to the findings of an extensive research study conducted on behalf of a broad coalition of higher education associations and institutions. Source:
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  • A Complete Rethinking Of The Very Concept Of Education -
    Never before has American education been in as precarious a situation as it seems to be at present. For over ten years now we have seen many governors' summits, and a host of commissions, committees, panels, unions, boards and business executives trying to warn citizens that American schools have become dysfunctional and are in dire need of repairs. And for over ten years the results of student performance have worsened despite the billions being spent to stop the downward trend. Perhaps the time has come to stop and try to examine the problem rationally. It is not the first time that American education has reached a threshold at which only radical solutions seem to be called for. This time, however, reformers are calling for a systemic reform, a complete r
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  • Achieving Schooling Success For Each Student
    A major and pressing problem facing educators, particularly in the context of the current national agenda of achieving schooling success for each student, is the consistent finding of differential correlation among low, mid-range, and high academic achievement in different groups of ethnic minority students. Source:
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  • Active Learning As Teaching Strategies
    Most people recall their high school and undergraduate education in fragments. Atoms possess a property called valency. Great Britain has no constitution, but is a constitutional monarchy. Many students have trouble using such discrete, disembodied facts. Source:
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  • Adolescents Who Perform Better In School -
    Associations between important aspects of the home and family and adolescents’ behavior and well-being are the primary focus. Families with few economic resources are more likely to have adolescents who have behavioral problems, who are psychologically distressed, and who do less well in school. Source:
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  • Adoption of National Science and Mathematics Standards
    In 1991, Jonathan Kozol published Savage Inequalities, a book that dramatically made public what most people who visit schools have always known - that American children experience shockingly different conditions of schooling. These differences are even more likely to be exacerbated in science education, the most resource-dependent of the academic subjects. Children cannot learn what is not taught. Source:
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  • All Students Can Learn And Should Be Presented The Opportunity To Learn
    The current reform movement in the United States began in the 1990s and has manifested itself as a standards movement. It is a movement to establish state and national frameworks, to which local school districts are encouraged to link their efforts to implement local standards. The linchpin that holds together the standards framework is that they are rigorous; voluntary, in that states and localities decide whether or not to use them; and flexible, in that states and localities can decide which strategies are best for their own schools. Source:
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  • All Students Have The Opportunity To Learn And To Achieve High Standards -
    Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act has provided federal assistance to schools to meet the educational needs of disadvantaged students. The Congress substantially overhauled the program by shifting from a focus on remediation to high standards and accountability for higher achievement. Source:
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  • Alternative Approaches To Educational Leadership
    Even recently, men sustain their dominance in the field of public education and women remain underrepresented in school administration despite their numbers in teaching and in school leadership preparation programs. Thus men define what it means to manage and lead schools and school systems. Source:
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  • An Ongoing Priority For American Education
    The concept of a cognitive apprenticeship can be successfully applied to early childhood instruction. An ongoing priority for American education is the systemic reform of urban schools to better meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student population. One general recommendation from policymakers is that school reform efforts target the early education of young children through the design and implementation of effective, responsive curricula. A new program has the goal of developing a responsive instructional package for young learners in which technology-based tools play an integral role. In essence, the program is a principled framework for designing meaningful instruction for children in the USA. Meaningful instruction is created through the use of
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  • Are The Elected Officials Aware Of The Wide Range Of Important Education Issues?
    Public education is one of the most important institutions in our country, an institution in which the public has always played a role. It is the public who elects school board members, pays taxes to support public schools, votes for school bond referendum, and visits and volunteers in the schools. Public schools, in turn, transmit important values and information that help young people participate in our democracy and become responsible citizens. Clearly, education is important to all members of society given its impact on the community, the economy, jobs, safety, and health. - The skill level of the population increases national productivity and leads to higher salaries. - The better educated a person, the more likely that person is to report being in exc
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  • Assessment Standards Are To Guide The Design Of Exemplary Plans And Practices
    Assessment is defined as the collection and interpretation of information or data for the purpose of making educational decisions. Decisions about the nature of the information to be collected, as well as its interpretation, are made with reference to purpose. The evaluation and assessment standards call for assessing the broad range of mathematics understanding and abilities. Source:
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  • Challenges and Opportunities to Foster School Success
    Three actualities emerging from recent research indicate that we must focus concentrated attention on low-income children before they enter school: (a) poverty among young children is becoming more intense; Source:
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  • Challenges in Reforming High Schools
    The last 25 years have witnessed a growing number of proposals and efforts to help high schools better prepare their students for a world vastly different from the one that gave rise to this American institution. Any observer can see that the students who enter high school, their families, their future employers, and the broader society have all changed far more than have the high schools themselves. Source:
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  • Challenging Standards And Student Assessments In Every State
    As the nation rightly focuses on issues and events affecting our foreign policy and defense, one major element of domestic policy remains to be resolved. And it deserves our attention. Our states and their leaders have successfully pioneered many of the policies now considered essential for the rest of the nation. Our No. 1 priority, in fact, is the successful implementation of challenging standards and student assessments in every state. Source:
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  • Charter Schools Are Not The Lite Version Of Conventional Public Schools
    Although we hail charter schools as a promising reform, the creation of these publicly financed but (mostly) independent schools remains one of the fiercest battlegrounds in U.S. education. Since many states today have statutes authorizing such schools, however, the fight is no longer about whether any should exist. The front line in the battle has shifted to whether these schools will be free to demonstrate the power of this idea. In brief, they are different kinds of public schools. In other words, charter schools are not the lite version of conventional public schools. That is why, though we saw a number of imaginative and outstanding education programs in California charter schools, only some of them have gained control of their budgets and personnel. T
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  • Choosing College Is Choosing A Different Kind Of Present And Future Work -
    High School graduation requirements should be worked out at the school level by faculty and approved by parents and supervising boards, accepted by students who come to the school. Source:
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  • Classic Books and Related Info for Kids, Teens, Educators and Parents
    Turn the pages to explore bygone eras, time-honored tales and historical narratives. Adventure awaits in these classic books online. This is a selective list of books and pamphlets of general and scholarly interest, supplemented by key articles. The list is arranged by subject and organized into several categories: Literature, History, Religion, Esoterica, etc. Source:
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  • Commitment to Retaining Talented Teachers
    Training is a component of many teacher induction programs. All too often, inductees have received insufficient professional preparation. With increasing numbers of inductees entering the classroom via alternative routes, many induction programs today are compensating for little or no previous training whatsoever, in effect blurring the line between teacher preparation and induction. Source:
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