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  • Conversation About Educational Opportunity in The United States
    It's no secret that a debate rages across the United States about access, diversity, and affirmative action. Part of this debate involves anxiety about college costs and price. Part revolves around the nation's need to retool itself and upgrade the skills of its human resources to meet the demands of a globally competitive economy. Source:
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  • Creating Optimal Conditions For Teaching Students With Exceptionalities
    The findings from a new survey indicate that teacher perspectives are similar for both general and special educators and that administrators' views are also parallel. The similarities across special and general education groups combined with the significant differences between all teacher and all administrator points of view was interesting. Source:
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  • Creative School and Community Leaders Are Discovering That They Need Each Other
    Throughout both urban and rural America, school reformers and community builders are beginning to discover each other. Mutual interests and benefits abound. On the one hand, community organizers work to re-situate the school at the center of the community development process. On the other hand, creative school reformers activate community residents and resources as vital partners in the educational enterprise. Source:
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  • Defining Goals And Objectives Is Indispensable To Course Planning
    Many college teachers use a simple, content-centered planning model. By contrast, the planning model presented in this section focuses on the student rather than on the content. Source:
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  • Determining The Potentially Multiple Sources of Inattentive Behavior
    There is growing empirical support that nutrition has an important role to play in attention/concentration and in learning. The balance between noradrenalin and serotonin is critical to mood, attention and behavior and that the food we consume is an important factor in maintaining this balance. Food additives may be used in order to influence behavior in the future.
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  • Do Middle Schools Result In Higher Achievement Than Junior High Schools? -
    Question: Do middle schools result in higher achievement than junior high schools? This question addresses the academic outcomes of students in junior high schools that are organized in a manner similar to large comprehensive high schools with departmentalization, 40-50 minute periods, subject area teachers, and competitive sports, as compared to middle schools using various degrees… Source:
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  • Doing A Good Job In Preparing Students For College
    To improve school quality and raise performance, educational leaders at the district, state, and federal level are faced with the challenge to: - Address Socioeconomic Disparity. Thirty percent of the children in urban areas are poor compared to 18% for the nation as a whole. Urban schools are twice as likely to enroll minority and immigrant children than the national average. Source:
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  • Education Reform Continues To Top The List Of Issues Facing The Nation Today -
    Education reform continues to top the list of issues facing the nation today. Americans are better informed than ever about school performance and its implications for our future, and many feel a sense of urgency about improving their children’s education. Source:
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  • Educational And Developmental Resilience
    Nothing can be counted as progress in a community until the children and youth are well-served and show healthy development and steady, sustained advances in learning. The needs of children and youth in inner-city communities are very great, yet these communities continue to receive too little attention in most places. Source:
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  • Educational Standards
    State standards writers are reluctant to take sides in the "culture wars" or to participate in the selection of a "canon." By spelling out which books children should read in English class, which individuals and events to study in history, and which discoveries and inventions to discuss or replicate in science lab (and, of course, which to omit), standards authors are making decisions about what is important for American children to know and be able to do. They are setting priorities. Source:
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  • Educators Have A Chance To Experience Their Profession From A New Perspective
    How often in the journey of teaching and learning do we as educators get a chance to experience feelings of wonder? How often do we feel like Columbus and Armstrong, boldly exploring new territory previously uncharted in human experience? For most in education, new, simply means recycled. It is cliché in education, that if one’s career lasts long enough, one will encounter ideas leaving the profession that were in place when one began. Source:
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  • Effective School Based Violence Prevention -
    In the area of violence prevention, the need for programs in schools and other institutions that work with youth has increased at a faster pace than the availability of solid evaluation research. Causes of school-related violence have been examined in numerous studies and there is evidence that prevention and early intervention efforts can reduce troubling… Source:
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  • Effective Teachers Plan Discussions As Thoroughly As They Plan Their Lectures
    The teacher-led discussion is used in college classrooms to help students develop a deeper understanding of course material and practice basic thinking skills. This type of discussion fits easily into lecture courses and is often employed in separate discussion sections for large classes. Source:
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  • Establishing Trust Between School Teachers and University Faculty
    The professional development school initiatives show the greatest promise in school reform due to collaborative efforts in teacher preparation. Educators in both public schools and in universities must work together in the preparation of teachers who are culturally, socially and instructionally responsive to student diversity. Source:
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  • Excellence In Education As A National Priority -
    Learning is a complex process. We learn by building on past experiences; by trial and error; by starting with simple tasks and combining them over time to accomplish more complex tasks; Source:
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  • Excellent Teachers For High-performance Schools
    Teacher quality has been one of the most hotly debated education policy issues over the past ten years. Central to the discussions are strategies to align teacher education and professional development programs at colleges and universities with the reform of K-12 education. In many states, public officials have joined K-12 and postsecondary education leaders to restructure teacher preparation and professional development programs under the auspices of statewide K-16 initiatives. Source:
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  • Families See College As An Essential Goal That Must Be Met Despite The Costs
    Borrowing by students and parents to pay for college has been one of the most commonly discussed and debated issues of national policy over the last two decades. Concerns about steadily increasing borrowing levels, have prompted a variety of policy proposals to ease the burden of college borrowing. Source:
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  • Gender Equity In Schools And The New Educational Leaders -
    To be a woman does not necessarily imply that one is disempowered. The basis for my analysis provides an opportunity to distinguish two components that have often been confused and confounded. Source:
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  • Give Students The Experience Of Making A Difference -
    The attraction and promise of social and emotional learning (SEL) is that it’s a unifying concept for coordinating school, family, and community partnerships for drug and violence prevention, positive youth development, health promotion, character education, and service-learning. Source:
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  • Glossary of Educational Terminology
    Ever wondered what educators mean when they refer to “constructivism” or “multicultural education”? Parents, teachers, and the general public don’t always speak the same language. But, even when we do, what we mean by a word or phrase is not always the same. On the following pages we offer explanations for some terms used by educators and/or social change activists. Source:
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