The Justice Project - Refugee Policy Reform Campaign The Justice Project was formed in 2004. Its first project was to campaign for refugee policy reform and to campaign for the restoration of human rights in Australia. Its members include Julian Burnside QC, the Right Honourable Malcolm Fraser, Associate Professor Robert Manne and Hugh Evans (Young Australian of the Year 2004). Following The Justice Project's campaign in the 2004 Federal election, we decided to continue our campaign against mandatory detention, but also, over 2005, to focus specifically on Victoria's decision to consider a Charter or Bill of Rights. We thoroughly support the initiative of the Australian Capital Territory in enacting a Human Rights Act, and welcome the new Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities. We believe The Justice Project Human Rights Education Information Australia Charter of Rights Refugees Asylum Seekers Malcolm Fraser Julian Burnside Kurt Esser David Sanders asylumaustraliaburnsidechartereducationfraserhumaninformationjulianjusticemalcolmprojectrefugeesrightsseekersthe in Politicalwith australiaaustralianburnsidecampaigndetentionfraserhumanjulianjusticemalcolmmandatorypolicypoliticalprojectrefugeerestorationrights
The Rights of Refugees under International Law by James C. Hathaway - This book presents the first comprehensive analysis of the human rights of refugees as set by the UN Refugee Convention. In an era where States are increasingly challenging the logic of simply assimilating refugees to their own citizens, questions are now being raised about whether refugees should be allowed to enjoy freedom of movement, to work, to access public welfare programs, or to be reunited with family members. Doubts have been expressed about the propriety of exempting refugees from visa and other immigration rules, and whether there is a duty to admit refugees at all. Hathaway links the standards of the UN Refugee Convention to key norms of international human rights law, and applies his analysis to the world's most difficult protection challenges The Rights of Refugees under International Law (9780521542630): James C. Hathaway: Books 0521542634cambridgehathawayinternationaljameslawnu-ing-00671921politicspressrefugeesrightstheunderuniversity in Political > Bookswith accessbookbooksdiatribefreedomhumanpoliticalrefugeerefugeesrightstreatise