High and dry by Guy Pearse - Readings Books Australia is feeling the sharpest of climate change's cutting edges – water shortage is chronic and irreversible, temperatures are rising, and species are dying on land and at sea. And yet our government has been one of the world's most recalcitrant in the use and trade of carbon fuels. Why has the Howard government so conspicuously sabotaged the national interest? In this damning insider's account, Guy Pearse tells us how and why current government policy is to increase carbon emissions rather than reduce them. The Weather Makers gave us the science of climate change; High and Dry gives us the politics and economics. It is a devastating indictment of how the coal industry boardroom dominates the Howard government cabinet room. in Political > Enviromentalwith australiacarbonclimateenvironmentenvironmentalgovernmenthowardpoliticalpolitics