College Algebra - Math 116 - Lecture Notes by James Jones These notes were written during the Fall 1997 semester to accompany Larson's College Algebra: A Graphing Approach, 2nd edition text. We have moved on to Larson's 4th edition and some sections have changed but I have left them where they are since many people on the Internet find these useful resources. The notes were updated in the Fall 2003 semester to use Cascading Style Sheets and validate as XHTML 1.0 strict web pages. If your browser doesn't support CSS, certain pages (especially those with matrices) will not display properly. in Educational > Mathematics > Textbooks/Bookswith algebraeducationalinternetmathmathematicsresourceresourcestext Note: A nice book on basic algebra operations.
Topology (2nd Edition) - by James Munkres - This introduction to topology provides separate, in-depth coverage of both general topology and algebraic topology. Includes many examples and figures. GENERAL TOPOLOGY. Set Theory and Logic. Topological Spaces and Continuous Functions. Connectedness and Compactness. Countability and Separation Axioms. The Tychonoff Theorem. Metrization Theorems and paracompactness. Complete Metric Spaces and Function Spaces. Baire Spaces and Dimension Theory. ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY. The Fundamental Group. Separation Theorems. The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem. Classification of Surfaces. Classification of Covering Spaces. Applications to Group Theory. For anyone needing a basic, thorough, introduction to general and algebraic topology and its applications. in Educational > Mathematics > Topology Bookswith bookbooksgeneralinstituteintroductionmassachusettsmathmathematicalmathematicsmitoftechnologytopology Note: John Banks recommended it. More formal than gemignani's 'elementary topology'.
Introduction to Mathematical Logic by Elliott Mendelson I was sufficiently fortunate to have taken Professor Emeritus Mendelson's famous logic course at Queens College, the City University of New York, just two semesters before his retirement. I was, and continue to be, astonished by Dr. Mendelson's precise yet easy style, and the beautifully efficient organization of the subjects. Everything from the expository prose to the system of notational conventions has been carefully thought through so as to make the book both very substantive and very readable. In my opinion, it's the best introduction to serious mathematical logic currently on the market, and thanks to the genius of its author, it is likely to remain so for a long time. The buyer will not be disappointed. Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Fourth Edition (9780412808302): E. Mendelson: Books 04128083077063817andeditionfourthintroductionlogicmathematicalmathematicsmendelsonproblemssciencespringersymbolic in Educational > Mathematics > Textbooks/Bookswith bookeducationeducationalelliottfoundationfoundationallogicmathmathematicsmendelsontextbooktextbooks Note: LTU lib has it (2nd edition): ...more2C3%2C3%2CB/frameset&FF=XIntroduction+to+Mathematical+Logic+Elliott+Mendelson&SORT=A&1%2C1%2C
Musings of the Masters: An Anthology of Miscellaneous Reflections by Raymond Ayoub The anthology is a collection of articles contiguous to the humanities written by renowned mathematicians of the twentieth century. The articles cover a variety of topics that, for want of a better name, shall be referred to as humanistic. An important criterion, thereby limiting the choice, is that the articles should be accessible to the literate reader who may or may not have technical knowledge of mathematics. The articles span roughly a century in time and a wide range in subject. They are by mathematicians acknowledged by their peers as outstanding creators whose work has added richly to the discipline. Each article is preceded by a brief biographical sketch of the author and a brief indication of the content. Musings of the Masters: An Anthology of Mathematical Reflections (Spectrum) (9780883855492): Raymond Ayoub: Books 0883855496ameranthologyassnayoubbkk-04214825-mmastersmathematicalmusingsraymondreflectionssosociologyspectrumthe in Educational > Mathematics > Textbooks/Bookswith articleeducationeducationaljournalmathmathematicalmathematicianreflection Note: Melbourne maths library got it (of course!): ...moreEY=Musings%20of%20the%20Masters%20An%20Anthology%20of%20Miscellaneous%20Reflection/1%2C32000%2C32000%2CB/frameset&FF=XMusings+of+the+Masters+An+Anthology+of+Miscellaneous+Reflection&SORT=D&1%2C1%2C
Separation axiom - Wikipedia In topology and related fields of mathematics, there are several restrictions that one often makes on the kinds of topological spaces that one wishes to consider. Some of these restrictions are given by the separation axioms. These are sometimes called Tychonoff separation axioms, after Andrey Tychonoff. The separation axioms are axioms only in the sense that, when defining the notion of topological space, you could add these conditions as extra axioms to get a more restricted notion of what a topological space is. The modern approach is to fix once and for all the axiomatization of topological space and then speak of kinds of topological spaces. in Educational > Mathematics > Ideas/Explanations/Wiki or Mathworld lookupswith axiomaxiomsconceptfundamentalmathmathematicalmathematicsseparationtopologywikiwikipedia Note: See also: The precise meanings of the terms associated with the separation axioms has varied over time, as explained in History of the separation axioms...