NCLB A Catch-22 for Language Learners November 2006 | Volume 64 | Number 3 NCLB: Taking Stock, Looking Forward Pages 22-27 Common sense dictates that if you administer a test to students in a language they don't understand, they probably won't do well on it. Nevertheless, NCLB mandates that English language learners do just that, and schools are punished if they don't. The latest Educational Leadership examines this and other flaws of NCLB in respect to English language learners. in Administrators > NCLBwith assessmenteducationalleadershipnclbtest
WIDA: ACCESS for ELLs® NEW ACCESS for ELLs® Sample Items! (12/18/08) WIDA is pleased to release a new set of ACCESS for ELLs® sample test items for grades 1-12. For the first time, sample items are now available to the general public to foster awareness of how this English language proficiency assessment operates. in Assessment > ACCESSwith accessassessmentsamplestestwida