- Understanding the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards
This is the resource guide developed by WIDA for Administrators and Teachers. It is a MUST SEE for anyone teaching and assessing ELLs in the WIDA consortium.
in Assessment > Standards > WIDA with access assessment resource standards wida
- WIDA (ELD Standards,ACCESS info etc.)
This site has the ELD standards, Can Do Descriptors, ACCESS info, Spanish Language Arts Standards, and other info from the WIDA consortium
in Public bookmarks with access eld elp standards wida by 3 users
- WIDA Consortium: English Language Proficiency Standards
WIDA is a consortium of states dedicated to the design and implementation of high standards and equitable educational opportunities for English language learners. To this end, the WIDA Consortium has developed English language proficiency standards and an English language proficiency test aligned with those standards (ACCESS for ELLs®).
in Assessment > ACCESS with access assessment standards wida
- WIDA Standards Home page
World-class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Consortium site. WIDA is a consortium of states dedicated to the design and implementation of high standards and equitable educational opportunities for English language learners.To this end, the WIDA Consortium has developed English language proficiency standards and an English language proficiency test (ACCESS for ELLs™) and is developing a system of alternate academic assessments for English language learners (SUCCESS™). Select Wizard to Download preferred formats of the standards for your grade and subjects taught.
in Assessment > Standards > WIDA with access assessment english langauge proficiency standards wida by 3 users
- Access for ELLs
This site provides information on the new ACCESS test for English Language Proficiency developed by the WIDA Consortium. See related workshops and resources
in Assessment > ACCESS with access assessment proficiency standards tests wida
- ACCESS Interpretative Guide08.pdf
This site explains how to interpret the ACCESS test score reports.
in Assessment > ACCESS with access guide interpretive standards wida
- Rigby ELL Assessment Kit Data Management Tool
With the Rigby ELL Assessment Kit Data Management Tool CD-ROM, you can monitor and report progress of ongoing student assessments in all four domains of English language proficiencyListening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The Data Management Tool also allows you to track progress in relation to TESOL standards and content standards, including English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.
in Assessment with access assessment data ells
NEW ACCESS for ELLs® Sample Items! (12/18/08) WIDA is pleased to release a new set of ACCESS for ELLs® sample test items for grades 1-12. For the first time, sample items are now available to the general public to foster awareness of how this English language proficiency assessment operates.
in Assessment > ACCESS with access assessment samples test wida
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